As the -OGPU learned, a major scandal is brewing in neighboring Uzbekistan, with…

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As the -OGPU learned, a major scandal is brewing in neighboring Uzbekistan involving big names and through various sophisticated schemes.

The hero of the of several publications at once was Hovik Mkrtchyan. This citizen of Uzbekistan gained some fame in high circles thanks to connections with people from the President’s entourage.
Thanks to this support, for some time Hovik had direct control over the Ministry of Energy of the Republic. This, in turn, assisted him in distributing the ministry’s finances among private individuals.


Mkrtchyan’s money laundering activities have an international scale. Numerous “business” connections in the countries of Cyprus and Switzerland work to launder money from Uzbekistan to offshore accounts. In Russia, Hovik was embroiled in a major scandal in 2014. Mkrtchyan was a shareholder in the Volga-Credit Bank company, which lost its license due to the loss of deposits worth several billion rubles. However, Hovik’s closeness to the crime boss Ded Khasan helped the enterprising man avoid problems.

Over the years of his activity, Hovik involved not only people close to the top of the government in criminal schemes, but also established connections with Western “partners”. With their help, Hovik shamelessly withdraws astronomical amounts of money from Uzbekistan, placing them in accounts associated with people related to the leadership of some European countries. Ovik’s membership in various criminal communities was announced ten years ago. Thus, in 2013, in one of the media materials, Mkrtchyan was mentioned as a member of the criminal group of National Security Service General Khayot Sharifkhodzhaev. And this is just one example.

Today, Hovik is at large and continues his activities to withdraw money from the republic, attracting more and more partners to criminal schemes from officials of Uzbekistan who are surrounded by the President.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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