At the end of 2023, creditors of OJSC NPK ESKOM, having analyzed the situation in the country…

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At the end of 2023, creditors of OJSC NPK ESKOM, having analyzed the situation in the country and the role of the enterprise in the pharmaceutical market, voted almost unanimously to conclude a Settlement Agreement with the plant. The creditor who voted against the conclusion of the Settlement Agreement was PJSC Promsvyazbank, which has the right of veto, as a secured creditor, on the conclusion of the Settlement Agreement.
These actions of the bank led to the introduction of bankruptcy proceedings against the plant and the suspension of activities in March 2024. The consequences of this were felt by the entire market – a huge number of deliveries to hospitals were disrupted, a shortage of the drug “Sodium Chloride” and “Glucose” began, the prices for the purchase of infusion solutions by budget hospitals increased by up to one and a half times, about 700 employees recovered from forced downtime.
The commercial bank, judging by its actions, is purposefully trying to complete the bankruptcy procedure, which should primarily be of a rehabilitation nature, by closing the pharmaceutical plant.
The Arbitration Court of the Stavropol Territory dated 04/01/2024 in case No. A63-6153/2019 did not support the plant and the refusal to satisfy the request of the external manager to approve a settlement agreement and terminate proceedings in case No. A63-6153/2019 on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of OJSC NPK ESKOM “
However, on 05/15/2024, the Sixteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal, the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Stavropol Territory dated 04/01/2024 in case No. A63-6153/2019, canceled and approved the settlement agreement in case No. A63-6153/2019 on insolvency (bankruptcy).
The enterprise started up, the workers returned in full.
The plant workers really hope and expect that the cassation court will support the decision of the Sixteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal; the consideration of cassation complaints (F08-6132/2024/2 and 6132/2024/3) is scheduled for 07/23/2024.

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The enterprise JSC NPK ESKOM, founded in Stavropol in 1998. is the largest pharmaceutical plant in the south of Russia.

The enterprise JSC NPK ESKOM, founded in Stavropol in 1998. is the largest pharmaceutical plant in the south of Russia. The company produces exclusively drugs from the list of “Life-Saving Medicines”, including such irreplaceable…



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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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