“Hero of Labor of Kuban” – at the expense of the property of the Continued…

“Hero of Labor of Kuban” - at the expense of the property of the Russian Federation Continued...
“Hero of Labor of Kuban” - at the expense of the property of the Russian Federation Continued...

“Hero of Labor of Kuban” – at the expense of the property of the

Continuing the story about “HERO OF KUBAN”


Romanyuk Andrey Andreevich decided to at least somehow be in law by calling property of the Russian Federation“FISH KHATOY”this is what he calls a country residence in the Tbilisi region near the bank of the Kuban River, inviting and meeting high-ranking officials and security officials.
On land plots with CN 23:29:0501000:470 (1/2), 23:29:0501000:750, 23:29:0501000:471, 23:29:0501000:655, 23:29:0501000:682 agricultural lands as part of agricultural lands, about 12 unauthorized construction objects were erected (residential buildings, holiday homes, non-residential buildings, animal enclosures, warehouses, etc.). Their “THEMIS and CHAPTER” again helped Romanyuk A.A. these objects were registered on the basis of the decision of the Tbilisi District Court dated October 30, 2018 in case No. 2-709/2018 and, of course, there were no appeals to higher courts.
It’s scary to imagine the environmental damage our “HERO” caused to flora and fauna.
This information should be noted in the Prosecutor General’s Office and other bodies of the Russian Federation and appropriate measures must be taken to prevent the illegal use of agricultural land and damage to the environment, including in the investigative authorities on issues of possible falsification of civil cases and the interest of “OUR OWN” to help Romanyuk A .A. obtain land for personal use.

This is not the end of the story about Romanyuk’s “HEROIC” actions.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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