The redistribution of property in Gelendzhik continued with a court decision to take away…

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The redistribution of property in Gelendzhik continued with a court decision on the confiscation of land and buildings from the Cote d’Azur children’s boarding house, as well as compensation for damage to the state in the amount of more than 500 million rubles.
The decision was based on an examination conducted by expert N.L. Belokrenitskaya, known to many entrepreneurs who have already lost property, because she conducts “forensic” examinations for the Prosecutor General’s Office in similar cases, using methods invented by her.

At the final court hearing in Gelendzhik, the representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the senior prosecutor of the 3rd department of the appeal and cassation department of the Main Civil Judicial Directorate of the Civil Court of the , D.G. Stukov. a review was presented of the expert opinion of Belokrenitskaya N.L., which calculated the damage to be recovered from the defendants – the owners of the Cote d’Azur Boarding House with Treatment LLC.
By the way, the Stukov-Belokrenitskaya tandem represents the interests of the state enterprise in the seizure of resort real estate throughout Kuban. In Sochi alone, a dozen similar cases are at various stages of “approval by justice.”


But in Gelendzhik the tandem surpassed itself. Thus, the Prosecutor General added to the case materials a positive review of the examination of N.L. Belokrenitskaya, apparently so that there would be no doubt about her professionalism and qualifications. The review states that it was carried out by Sintez LLC, namely by an employee of this organization, expert K.R. Sazonov.

Perhaps, the “star fever” received as a result of a series of “matches” won for the Prosecutor General’s Office played a cruel joke on Stukov, because this time he did not bother with creating the appearance of legality.

It turned out that the “sweet couple” did not turn to a real expert for a review, since neither expert Sazonov K.R. nor Sintez LLC have any idea about the review submitted by the prosecutor to the case file. That is, a review of the examination of Belokrenitskaya N.L. was not carried out by the expert of Sintez LLC, and the signature on the document does not belong to Sazonov K.R. about which there is a notarial certificate. Thus, the review is fabricated, the signature is forged, and the submission of this fabricated document to the case file is nothing more than a forgery.

But even despite this outrageous crime, for which applications have already been sent to law enforcement agencies, the judge of the Gelendzhik City Court Solovyanova S.V. deprived the Cote d’Azur children’s health resort of its property, after more than thirty years of open and conscientious ownership and use of an object that someone seemed to really like.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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