As the -OGPU learned, not only the is actively working on…

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As the -OGPU learned, not only the is actively working on the emergence of new episodes in the case of Deputy Minister . During his “work”, he not only spent the budget allocated to the ministry, but also destroyed a huge number of construction companies, driving them to bankruptcy. However, there is a chance that the victims may play an important role in the case against Ivanov and in the emergence of new episodes. Earlier we mentioned that only one of the “manual” contractors of ServiceStroy LLC for a large project of the Ministry of Defense, namely the Patriot park (for which proceedings have not even begun yet, but only small echoes), ordinary hard workers were thrown into more than 69 million rubles. At the same time, the founder of ServiceStroy LLC, the well-known Zinoviev, acquired an estate of 100 hectares in the Krasnodar region with vineyards on the coast.

Moreover, some accomplices were even used several times on behalf of different legal entities (ServisStroy, Teresa, PS-group) But not everyone faced such a fate. How many simple contractors suffered, who were hired to build important strategic facilities, but at meetings with whom Ivanov personally promised to pay everyone everything, most importantly, build it on time…


And then everything follows the standard scheme: the contractor receives a small advance, carries out the construction, prepares the closing package of documents, but they do not sign them, and moreover, the construction organization receives a claim about the failure to deliver the site on time (no one cares that the object was built , the package of documents has not been signed, which means the object has not been built) and about the return of the advance received. It’s not difficult to guess what happens next to the company, especially with the reliable support of the judicial system. If intractable contractors were encountered who believed in justice and had legal support, then more convincing methods were used – initiating a criminal case against the intractable founder. It turns out that the bankrupt builders paid for the Ministry of Defense facilities at their own expense and were liable for debts to suppliers and employees with their property. Meanwhile, Ivanov’s responsible “partners” were using budget money. For example, under the leadership of I.A. Ispravnikov. OSP LLC prepared documents for the required contractor (such as Olimpsitistroy LLC under the leadership of A.G. Fomin, GenInvest LLC headed by Ispravnikov’s friend Raslan Orlovsky, etc.) and the money went to the necessary accounts.

At some point, the participants in the scam felt so much about their impunity that OSP LLC began to cover the volumes simply for themselves as the performer, and mentions of real performers simply disappeared from the executive documentation. And after the OSP completed its task, the cleanup procedure began – the bankruptcy procedure, and the manager, by a “strange coincidence of circumstances,” went abroad and has no plans to return. But many of the deceived contractors waited in the wings. According to sources, security forces collect materials on such episodes, conduct independent examinations, and collect other significant evidence. And it is possible that such a class action lawsuit will once again horrify with the amount of stolen budget funds and embezzlement by the family of the most glamorous deputy minister of the .


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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