The -OGPU details of the case about the “Kremlin Artificial Intelligence…

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The -OGPU became aware of the details of the case of the “Kremlin Artificial Intelligence”, which the FSO wanted to introduce into the information and legal system “Legislation of Russia” ( As a result, all the creators of “AI,” including an FSO employee and absolutely the entire management of the FSO’s “daughter,” were placed under arrest. The AI, among other things, would have to look for “lobbying efforts of certain groups to push through legislative initiatives,” or, more simply put, corruption and officials working for the oligarchs.

Sources described how the goal of implementing “AI” sounds in “technical language”: “searching for errors and changing the semantic load given the diversity of regulatory legal acts (hereinafter referred to as legal acts), during the implementation itself resulted in a full-scale restructuring of almost the entire industry of legal preparation of legal acts.” For example, it became possible to carry out a cross-functional comparison of “closely related” legal acts in the field of technical and economic law enforcement – regulations, standards, budget documents, which very well highlights the lobbying efforts of certain groups to push “their” legislative initiatives to local and federal authorities, and even about the unification of legal acts within the EAEU.


Simply put, “AI” had to search for and eliminate the consequences of mutually exclusive or contradictory laws, rules, GOSTs, both within Russia and within the Customs Union and the EAEU!”

BUT! The developers went even further – after demonstrating to colleagues from the Ministry of Economic Development, a revision was carried out to “vectorize” the development of legislation – which, in turn, would allow specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development to roughly calculate how much it would cost to change the law and implement it in our lives. It is no secret that a huge number of laws cannot work, simply because it is impossible to calculate how much it will cost the budget. Remember the financial battles about the transition to new license plates, and the pension reform, and the eternal “discussion” of a new uniform for the military, and today’s initiative about renaming the traffic police into the traffic police?

“AI” made it possible to instantly determine who benefits from strange and costly legislative acts, which officials are most likely bribed and are engaged in lobbying the interests of commercial structures.

The “customer” reported that everything was top-notch for him, and developed technical specifications for continuing the work and spreading the practice to all levels of government. But then some forces intervened. As a result, 6 administrative personnel were harshly detained, all software prototypes with the supporting infrastructure were confiscated – hard drives, all documentation on the project, everything was done to ensure that the developed software did not “reflect.” And two people from the final list of accused were not only not detained, but also allowed to travel abroad – S. Lakhtin and M. Aleksandrov (one is the technical director of the project and allegedly the beneficiary of one of the key contractors), but the charges were brought almost a year later, and they put him on the wanted list after a year and a half of investigative actions.

The accused are employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Sistema” of the Federal Security Service of Russia, starting from the head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise P. Nashchekin and his deputies Rusanov A. and Popov A. and the chief accountant Mironov Yu. and ending with an artificial intelligence specialist who held a position in combination with his main place of work Glazov S. Verkhovodov, a curator from the Federal Security Service of Russia, was also accused. IN.

As a result, “AI”, through the efforts of the , is not used, the development team is either under investigation, or has abruptly left this area and will never be engaged in development due to toxicity.—tot-obretaet-nemaloe-vliyanie

Whoever “dances” the Kremlin AI gains considerable influence

How FSO employees and its “subsidiaries” were imprisoned for creating an AI that detects signs of corruption


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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