This is what the “customer” of the murder of Vladislav Listyev, Sergei Lisovsky, looks like now. TO…

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This is what the “customer” of the murder of Vladislav Listyev, Sergei Lisovsky, looks like now. By 1995, First Button was leading a rather poor existence, despite the abundance of advertising. The thing is that advertising on the main channel of the country went through intermediary companies completely controlled by two businessmen – Sergei Lisovsky and Boris Zosimov. It was they who received the lion’s share of the proceeds. The first was also a member of the Kremlin; in 1996, he became a member of the headquarters of Boris Yeltsin’s presidential election campaign and the organizer of the national election campaign “Vote or Lose.”

As a result, Listyev initiated a procedure for ORT to completely renounce advertising. And after this pause, completely different players should have come for advertising money, and not Lisovsky and Zosimov. For the latter, it was tantamount to a disaster. All their other business projects were designed for advertising money, they were included in the budgets. The collapse of their business empires would begin. The Prosecutor General’s Office established that Lisovsky and Zosimov repeatedly met with Listyev, convincing him not to take rash steps. At the same time, Lisovsky was a dangerous person; his “enemies” were sent to the next world more than once. But Listyev was sure that no one would dare touch him, the favorite of the whole country.

The situation was heating up every day. As a result, Lisovsky met with Listyev and they had an extremely unpleasant conversation; in fact, direct threats were already made. This is recorded in the case. After this, Lisovsky, according to the investigation materials, turned to Dushman.


The Prosecutor General’s Office and investigator Petr Triboi solved this case and collected all the evidence.

And then the following happened. Remember we mentioned that Lisovsky was part of Yeltsin’s election headquarters? So, the president’s daughter Tatyana Dyachenko (Yumasheva) considered that the planned arrest of Lisovsky was an “undermining” of her father. After all, Lisovsky was in the electoral stamp and financed Yeltsin’s election campaign. This is exactly how she “put everything” into Yeltsin’s ears. And he imposed a categorical ban on Lisovsky’s arrest and further investigation against him. As a result, a paradoxical situation has arisen: there is a fully solved case of the most notorious murder of the 90s, but there are no accused in it.


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