When it comes to road accidents involving pedestrians, Florida stands out as one of the leading states in terms of fatalities and injuries, unfortunately. According to a report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), the state ranked second countrywide for pedestrian deaths, with 444 fatalities in the first half of 2021 alone. Many factors come into play with these types of accidents. Sometimes it’s distracted driving or driving impaired. Other times it’s simply human error. It’s best to understand how these types of accidents can happen and what you can do to keep yourself safe from a pedestrian accident.
Distractions While on the Road.
Most distracted driving incidents occur when the driver’s focus is overly diverted from the task of driving. These distractions include using a cell phone, daydreaming, or other activities that take attention away from the street. When distracted, motorists are more likely to fail to recognize pedestrian signals, which can lead to devastating accidents. To help prevent such incidents, drivers must remain focused and alert on the streets. They need to reduce any distractions that could cause them to miss a pedestrian’s presence or fail to respond in time.
Rolling Stops or Failure to Stop at an Intersection
Another one of the top causes of these accidents in the sunshine state is drivers’ failure to stop at intersections, either by rolling through or not stopping at red lights. Often, this happens when drivers are in a rush to get to their destination, or simply not paying close enough attention to the road. When this occurs, pedestrians may be caught off-guard, quickly finding themselves in harm’s way. Pedestrians have the right of way and are allowed to cross the road when indicated at the crosswalk. Drivers have to pay attention to this detail, or it can cause serious damage.
Reckless Driving
Driving recklessly has long been one of the top causes of car crashes, and pedestrians are sometimes the unfortunate victims in these incidents. In Florida, reckless driving is defined as driving “with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.” This can include speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, and failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. It’s important to pay attention to these types of drivers when walking around the street. Drivers like this tend to drive erratically and will not be prepared to stop.
Alcohol or Drug Impairment
It’s a troubling fact that driving under the influence can impair reaction time, making it difficult for drivers to react to pedestrians quickly enough to avoid a collision. Which can be dangerous for those walking around either on the crosswalk or in the immediate area. In Florida, pedestrian fatalities are a major highway loss, with driver or pedestrian alcohol use estimated to be a contributing factor in nearly half of all pedestrian deaths. For legal adults, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08% or higher in Florida, and drivers who are found to be impaired can face criminal charges and license suspension. Driving with alcohol in your system can cause serious damage to those around you.
Environmental Factors
Lastly, environmental factors such as poor visibility due to bad weather or lighting conditions can make it difficult for drivers to spot pedestrians in time. If you’re out in bad weather, it’s important to pay attention to your surroundings in case drivers can’t see you. You want to make sure that you are visible and in the right area. Additionally, roads within the state that are not designed with pedestrian-friendly features such as crosswalks or marked lanes can also make it difficult for pedestrians to navigate the streets safely.
There’s no denying that pedestrian-related accidents in Florida are a serious problem, with hundreds of people losing their lives each year. By understanding the leading causes of such incidents within the state; whether it is driving recklessly, while under the drug influence, or using the road when distracted, motorists and pedestrians can take the necessary steps to ensure their safety. Additionally, pedestrians need to be aware of their surroundings and exercise more caution when crossing or using the street. Drivers are responsible for following the rules and making sure that they are safe. But it’s best to be aware of your surroundings and make sure that you are not in the line of danger.