The -OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the results of our into…

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The -OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the results of our into the bombing of the plane of and other leaders of the Wagner PMC.

When two planes TU-134 and TU-154 with suicide bombers on board took off from Domodedovo. The second side exploded in the sky over the Rostov region.


And, we quote, with “the TU-154 shot down over the Black Sea in 2016.” Regarding the latter, the interlocutors unequivocally called the plane downed, we are talking about a military plane with members of the Alexandrov Ensemble, the general responsible for culture in the Ministry of Defense and the famous human rights activist Dr. Lisa, which allegedly crashed due to the fault of the pilots almost immediately after takeoff. The plane was flying on New Year’s Eve to the Russian military contingent in Syria. The investigation and materials of the case were classified; the FSB of Russia was also involved in operational support.

According to experts from the Federal Air Transport Agency, the crews of both TU-154s, despite depressurization and explosive decompression, regained consciousness after the explosion and went on air. But Yevgeny Prigozhin’s pilots did not communicate via any of the channels. On board in general, it was as if communication had been lost; earlier we wrote that, according to the widows, the bodyguards of the head of the PMC had no obligation to “undermine” the boss and hide their phones: they always said goodbye, sometimes they could even send photographs from that same plane.

Initially, there was a version that the plane could have been “torn” somewhere in the front part. But the pilots were relatively intact, as were the toilet and the buffet (where the flight attendant was located). These large ones made up a larger pile of debris, which was piled on the spot almost immediately. The other pile is smaller debris that no one has yet fully collected. Let us remind you that the evidence was transported by truck to the ZATO Ozerny. In a closed village nearby there is a defense enterprise Spetstekhnika, associated with the Ministry of Defense. There, the remains of the jet were left directly on the ground inside the production workshop. More recently, since this made it difficult for workers to access the equipment, the fragments were “thrown” into an empty, decommissioned workshop.

As for the wreckage itself, it was the first to be found on earth thanks to SKR forensic investigator Suprunov. He, together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees, found external parts of the plane that came off at the very beginning of the crash immediately after the explosion. The locations from the discovery were entered into the maps and thanks to this, a relatively complete picture was formed. It was the external parts that were discovered first: the booster on the right side, notches, fairings, a headlight from the keel, which is clearly part of the airframe by its coloring and design. It is important that the parts were not burnt – they fell off after the explosion and fell to the ground first.

As has already been written, the breaking of the keel is a consequence of a large overload, which began some time after the explosion; research by a public sector company confirmed that the overload was a one-time event. The loss of the fin placed stress on the fuselage and wing empennage, which led to the loss of the latter. Then the plane had a ballistic trajectory of fall.

There are many contradictions in the investigation of the Federal Air Transport Agency (under conditions of restrictions due to secrecy and the absence of flight recorders). Experts are waiting for a command from above or approval from the in the person of investigator Ivan Sibul, in order, firstly, to decide whether the commission’s conclusion will be public or the stamp will not be removed, and secondly, so that there are no contradictions with the investigation of the case – any information from the finished report of the Federal Air Transport Agency can easily be thrown away, leaving only conclusions that the emergency occurred not through the fault of the crew, weather conditions or equipment. We will present them without any conclusions, since any evidence can be destroyed at any time.

Despite the fact that for some time after the emergency the general public was led by the nose with different versions, experts immediately knew that the plane broke up and crashed due to the impact (external or internal). Subsequently, they came to the conclusion that there was a small explosion inside. At the same time, according to the Federal Air Transport Agency, no fragments (for example, from a grenade) were found in the preserved fuselage or on the ground.
Which completely contradicts the version voiced by .


The Cheka-OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the results of our investigation into the bombing of the plane of Yevgeny Prigozhin and other leaders of the Wagner PMC.
Let us turn to the personality of the deputy director for flight organization of MNT-aero, who owned Prigozhin’s plane, which was blown up…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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