Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs of PNT JSC Mikhail Belov…

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Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs of PNT JSC Mikhail Belov does not hesitate to shake out an extra hundred thousand rubles for the work allegedly performed by his wife in supporting a claim filed by the Terminal for tens of millions. The court directly recognized that she did not carry out any work, and, therefore, she would not receive any money. The documents proving N. Belova’s involvement in the “preparation” of the trial are fictitious. We are talking about “work” on the claim of PNT JSC against the Ledaro company for the return of a loan of 28 million rubles received in 2021. The beneficiaries of the Terminal – Sergey Vasiliev, Mikhail, Evgeniy and Polina Skigin approved the loan. However, in 2023, when Elena Vasilyeva was already in power at PNT JSC (after a sharp deterioration in Sergei’s health in 2022, he stopped appearing in public and allegedly “donated” his shares to his wife), the Terminal requested a loan in accordance with the agreement. Despite the complication of the situation regarding the transfer of money to Russia due to the introduction of temporary measures by the President of the and European restrictions, Ledaro managed to transfer the entire amount with interest and the case was discontinued, and PNT JSC refused the claim. And this would have been the end of the matter if it had not occurred to the deputy general director’s wife to earn at least a hundred thousand rubles from this situation. Belov himself (a key person in the strategic enterprise, let us remember) supported his wife, not caring about the reputation of the Terminal as a whole. And the court had to seriously make a ruling proving that N. Belova had nothing to do with the process. “The only document drawn up by N.N. Belova is an application for the collection of legal costs,” stated in the decision of the Arbitration Court. Now, probably having recovered from the defeat and having received another refusal, the wife of the deputy general director will go to the Supreme Court to demand one hundred thousand rubles.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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