As it became known to the -OGPU, the consideration of a criminal case against a former…

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As the Cheka-OGPU learned, the criminal case against the former head of the anti-corruption department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Colonel Dmitry Muryshov, who was detained red-handed in December 2022 while accepting a bribe, will be examined by a military court. The reason for this was that in reality Muryshov is not a colonel at all, but, as the Cheka-OGPU reported, a major general of the FSB, who served in military unit 93967 under a contract concluded on September 23, 2026. This part was registered in the main building of the FSB on Lubyanka.

By the way, based on the officer’s affiliation with counterintelligence, his defense, even at the pre-trial stage, declared that the materials on the preventive measure were not subject to jurisdiction of the civil court (Muryshov was taken into custody by the Basmanny Court of , which also made the decision to extend the arrest). Before receiving the chair of the head of the anti-corruption department of the Federal Customs Service, the general served in the Armed Forces of the for more than 20 years.


Together with Muryshov, the intermediary in the transfer of the bribe, the director of Vector Freight LLC, was also in the dock. The third person involved in the case, adviser to Agromanagement LLC Ilya Okorokov, who is also charged with mediation, admitted guilt in all cases and cooperated with the ; the criminal case against him should be considered separately.

The case against Muryshov (two episodes of Part 6 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and Nesterenko (Part 4 of Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was received by the 235th garrison military court. As stated by the head of the , , the customs officer received more than 5.8 million rubles from participants in foreign economic activity specializing in the import of goods to Russia for assistance in moving goods across the customs border. Another bribe in the amount of 4.4 million rubles was received through Okorokov and Nesterenko.


FTS Colonel Muryshov, arrested for bribes, turned out to be an FSB general

Dmitry Muryshov received the post of head of the anti-corruption department of the Federal Customs Service in mid-2019 and has the rank of colonel, and before that he served in the Russian Armed Forces for more than twenty years, according to the official…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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