The scandal with the expedition leader in Kamchatka, about which the

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The scandal with the expedition leader in Kamchatka, which the -OGPU wrote about earlier, is far from the only one in the region. Recently, in Kamchatka, local security forces are increasingly demonstrating their power by accusing visitors of crimes, but not caring about the evidence base. In particular, we are talking about a criminal case against the head of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, the scandal with red algae, etc.

All these cases are united not only by eco-themes, but also by a specific beneficiary – WWF, recognized in the as a foreign agent and an undesirable organization that cooperates with foreign intelligence services. Public figures in Russia associated with this particular organization actively “promote” the lawlessness of the security forces, supporting them, as well as presenting the “culprits” in a negative light. At the same time, the key figure against whom such an information campaign could be launched is the governor of the region, Vladimir Solodov.


So, Solodov previously stood up for the Kronotsky Nature Reserve – employees there were accused of embezzlement of budget funds, but there was not enough evidence for this, which was confirmed by local residents. In response, the governor was hit with a wave of criticism. In the case of “red algae,” when in 2020 an environmental problem was discovered in the ocean near the Khalautyrsky beach, Solodov tried with all his might to understand the situation, considering both man-made and natural causes of what happened. He was also heavily criticized for this.

In the situation with Razakov, the governor also suffered, because it was he who awarded the head of the falcon center with a state prize back in December 2022. Let us remind you that local security forces attacked an expedition to catch falcons, agreed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, led by Razakov, after which Razakov was charged with 33.6 million rubles. Allegedly, the head of the falcon center in Kamchatka caused damage to the Russian Federation. However, the captured falcons are on the balance of the Russian Federation, and such expeditions have been taking place since 2012. What happened was likely an attack on Razakov, who has close ties to the Arab world.

Adding up all the facts, it becomes obvious that in Kamchatka at the moment there is a deliberate discrediting of the current regional authorities. Moreover, the initiators are foreign intelligence services working side by side with WWF, which constantly broadcasts negativity towards the governor.


In Kamchatka, during a recent bird-catching expedition organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources, for which permission was received to catch 15 birds (13 were caught and put on the balance sheet of the Russian Federation), its participants were attacked by local security forces. They beat…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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