The -OGPU became aware of the corrupt past of the new Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Roman Ku…

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The -OGPU became aware of the corrupt past of the new Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations, Roman Kurynin, who was recently appointed to the position by decree of Vladimir .

The newly appointed chief logistics officer, physician and builder of the ministry (he is now in charge of these and other areas) comes from the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor of and the Moscow Region, where since 2017 he worked first as deputy head, and in 2020 he headed the department.


Over the past three years, Roman Kurynin has turned the capital’s Roszdravnadzor into a money-making tool. For example, it is enough to recall the campaigns against undesirable chains of clinics and pharmacies with demonstrative raids and inspections, while their competitors freely continued to work, transferring “subscribers” to Roman Kurynin and his team.

At least two chief state inspectors of the capital’s Roszdravnadzor (subordinates and protégés of Roman Kurynin) have been arrested on corruption charges over the past two years. One of them, Denis Maksimenko, was previously reported by the Cheka-OGPU (, he was captured while receiving another bribe. Some time later, his colleague Tatyana Ramnenok ended up behind bars, who was eventually accused of intermediary in bribery on an especially large scale.

In the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Roman Kurynin took an even more convenient position for theft – according to official information, he will oversee the most “fat” issues of the ministry: medical and psychological, logistics and technical support, scientific and technical activities, investments and construction.


A high-ranking employee of the capital’s Roszdravnadzor was caught accepting a bribe. There is talk of the beginning of long-planned purges in the corrupt department.

Chief State Inspector of the Department for Quality Control and Safety of Medical Activities…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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