The place of the former criminal king of Sochi Ruben Tutulyan, nicknamed Robson, judging by…

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The place of the former criminal king of Sochi Ruben Tutulyan, nicknamed Robson, apparently has been warmed up by . We have already written about how this swindler deceived shareholders of the Sochi residential complex “Imeritinsky Heights”. There is such a criminal trail behind him that one can only guess how he still manages to remain free.

It would seem that after a criminal case and multiple lawsuits against Tozlyan from defrauded shareholders in the amount of over 4 billion rubles, he will go to the bottom along with the loot somewhere in warm countries. But, as they say, arrogance is the second happiness. And having the necessary acquaintances, you can even get “as compensation” a plot of land in the same Sochi to replace the one lost in court, on which he tried to build the previous gigantic squatter building.


And so Tozlyan, who has not created a single business in his entire life, but is accustomed to a luxurious life at the expense of his acquaintances, as “compensation”, makes a plot of 9 hectares for himself (4 times larger than the previous one!!!), and not just anywhere, and right in the central part of the city of Sochi. But trees grow there that are older than even Sochi itself!

But this circumstance did not prevent the rules of use and development of this site from being changed from “R-2” – a public green space area, to “ZO-1” – a recreation area. According to our information here, Tozlyan plans to build a new residential complex under the guise of a hotel with apartments under the guise of “rooms.” There are probably many people who want to buy themselves an elite apartment overlooking the sea, which is only 300 meters away.

An agreement for a large-scale investment project has already been hastily concluded with an affiliate of Tozlyan, and all approvals are carried out simply at lightning speed!

Of course, the development of a forest with relict plants will blow the minds of the public! Just don’t be late… It took several centuries to grow such natural beauty, and Tozlyan, due to his greed, can destroy it all in just a few days.


Bastrykin ordered to initiate a criminal case due to violation of the rights of shareholders of the Imeretin Heights residential complex Armenak Tozlyan

The execution of the order is placed under control in the central office of the department

— In comments on a social network addressed to the chairman of the Russian


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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