The Governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko, was very lucky – unlike his …

The Governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko, was very lucky - unlike his ...
The Governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko, was very lucky - unlike his ...

Governor of the Leningrad Region Alexander Drozdenko is very lucky – unlike his neighbor Governor of St. Petersburg Beglov, he is not going to the polls this year. After all, he would hardly have been able to get the votes of the most vulnerable and numerous voters in the region. Judge for yourself – on the eve of the municipal elections in the Leningrad region, the governor visited several district hospitals, like Kingisepp and Gatchina, but (and apparently not by chance) did not come to one of the main hospitals of the largest and most important district – Toksovskaya Interdistrict, the extremely deplorable situation in which is being trumpeted local media and social networks. The next publication of “MK in St. Petersburg” again presents shocking facts about the work of a medical institution under the leadership of the somehow untouchable head physician . The disgusting bouquet contains everything – from the ugly state of the hospital grounds and rotten ambulances, to basements flooded with sewage, through which patients are forced to move between buildings in the winter. Relatives of patients complain about the disgraceful treatment of seriously ill patients, whom they often have to care for themselves. On social networks, non-resident citizens are especially outraged, as by chance they were forced to turn to the Toksovskaya MB for help. For example, one resident of the Komi Republic reported that her sister, a bedridden patient with numerous fractures, was literally forgotten for several days in the corridor of a medical facility and began to be treated only after a scandal with the insurance company. Another patient complains about huge queues even for a routine ultrasound, which almost cost her her life (only a timely transfer to another hospital helped). Outraged citizens on social networks advise each other to write appeals to the head of the of the , , as the only one “who can take action.” By the way, employees of the regional Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor’s Office are already conducting an inspection of the medical institution, although, according to the staff, who are extremely dissatisfied with the head physician Zagorodnikova, it is rather sluggish.
You can read details about the hospital horrors and look at photographs from the scene of events in the MK material, but we will note one point. In previous publications, the -OGPU reported on the close connection of Madina Zagorodnikova with the cemetery criminal group of Moldovan Roman Ikizli, whose unit recently settled on the territory of the hospital. We also explained that Zagorodnikova needs seriously ill patients not in the form of recovered patients, but in the form of corpses – for each dead person transferred to ritual agents, Ikizli pays her a certain set amount. However, there is a nuance. As one of Zagorodnikova’s relatives told us, perhaps the head doctor herself would have parted ways with the criminal funeral workers long ago and focused on her direct responsibilities. But the problem is that the enterprising Ikizli managed to make video recordings of the transfer of black cash to Zagorodnikova and hinted that he could make them public at any time. Now she is forced to dance to his tune not only out of greed, but also out of great fear for her freedom, and the numerous poor patients of Toksovskaya MB can hardly count on improvement in their terrible conditions in the foreseeable future.



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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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