Residents of Novosibirsk again write a letter to and again ask for…

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Residents of Novosibirsk they again write a letter to Alexander Bastrykin and again ask to deal with their deputy – the scandalous developer Ilya Polyakov. The reason was suspicion of violation of anti-corruption laws. Residents of houses on 1st and 2nd Shevtsova streets have already asked Bastrykin for protection from deputies Polyakov and Ukraintsev; moreover, in June they thanked the country’s chief detective for his help. Now Polyakov’s voters are asking to pay attention to an unexpected aspect of the “people’s choice” activity.

A few days ago, information appeared in the Novosibirsk media that the head of the Strizhi Group of Companies, Igor Belokobylsky, announced the purchase by Legislative Assembly deputy Ilya Polyakov in 2021-22 and the sale to them in 2023 of securities, investment shares of the Serebro closed mutual fund, in the amount of 124 million rubles.


This information shocked Novosibirsk residents: “What is most striking is the fact that, judging by Polyakov’s income statements, he did not have the legal means to purchase even half of these securities. We opened official data on Polyakov’s income and saw that during the period from 2015 to 2021 he officially earned 55,929,147 rubles, and in 2021-2022 he somehow became the owner of securities worth 124,000,000 rubles. And this is not to mention the unimaginable amount of real estate, which he did not hesitate to reflect in his declarations. Where does he get the legal funds to do this? Who provided him with such gifts and for what? Didn’t this raise questions from the prosecutor’s office and investigative authorities… Why do law enforcement agencies turn a blind eye to this?”

The authors of the appeal speak emotionally about corruption schemes, secret enrichment, and ask to take the situation with deputy Ilya Polyakov under personal control, “and, finally, call him to account.”

Among those who signed the letter to Alexander Bastrykin are the mother of an officer participating in the Northern Military District, a home front worker during the Great Patriotic War, disabled people, that is, socially vulnerable people. They count every ruble and remember very well that it was Polyakov who, while carrying out his fraudulent scheme with their apartments, tried to save money on housing the elderly. And then it turns out that Polyakov, greedy for pensioner money, is very rich, only the sources of origin of these millions are shrouded in fog.

Previously, the activity of residents of Shevtsova streets in defending their rights reached Moscow and took the form of a criminal case initiated under Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the “False expert opinion.” And in May of this year, Polyakov’s close associate, Deputy of the Novosibirsk City Council , was arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center, and a criminal case was opened against him under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. By the way, it was Ukraintsev who helped Polyakov deceive disabled people and pensioners from Shevtsova streets.

If the now begins to look into Polyakov’s sources of income, a lot of interesting things will be revealed. According to the declaration for 2021, Polyakov owned 16.5 (!) thousand square meters of real estate, how much could this property be worth: 10 million, 100 million or a billion? Where did yesterday’s bankrupt get such wealth? The deputy understands that he is walking through a minefield of his past geshefts, but is trying to put on a good face in front of a bad game. He wanders around the offices of the regional administration, intriguing against competitors and saying that he has “everything under control.” In general, he is playing for time, trying to divert attention from his person. It is now obvious that Polyakov will not be able to get his accomplice Igor Ukraintsev out of jail, and when the prisoner realizes that he has joined the long list of “friends” and “partners” previously abandoned by Polyakov, he will start talking. What will he talk about? About the fraudulent scheme with houses on Shevtsovaya? About the organized racket of Novosibirsk business? Or about art in Mariupol?

In such a case, Polyakov has prepared an alternate airfield in the Middle East; all that remains is to obtain a “golden parachute” in order to land successfully. It’s a matter of time, but will he have time? After all, Polyakov’s main problem is greed, it’s hard to stop, there’s always little.

Novosibirsk residents ask Alexander Bastrykin to sort out the income of Ilya Polyakov

In previous appeals, residents asked to protect them from the deputy developer Ilya Polyakov, and thanked them for the support provided. Now they are asking the head of the to look into Polyakov’s violations…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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