On August 27, the Basmanny Court of took Evgeny Gorlov into custody. One of…

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On August 27, the Basmanny Court of took Evgeny Gorlov into custody. One of the resonant facts associated with his detention was fraud with the additional gasification program in Sevastopol, for which more than 2 billion rubles were allocated from the budget.
To implement his criminal plans, Evgeny Gorlov formed a criminal group consisting of Sevastopol officials. Together with their associates, they falsified documents related to the gas transportation system, misled supervisory and judicial authorities, putting pressure on them and resorting to blackmail.
In violation of the requirements of the Government of the No. 1547 of September 13, 2021, Sevastopolgaz was appointed as the regional operator that received funding in the amount of 2.6 billion rubles. After the failure of the pre-gasification program, in order to hide his machinations, Gorlov came up with a cunning plan, according to which responsibility for all existing problems was assigned to another resource supply company – PJSC Sevastopolgaz.
Having not received support from the management of PJSC Sevastopolgaz, Gorlov decided to seize the enterprise in order to hide traces of theft and falsification of documents. Having misled the governor of Sevastopol, he initiated legal actions aimed at confiscating the right to use networks from PJSC Sevastopolgaz. It is worth noting that court hearings in this case continue to this day. There is hope that the courts will make legal decisions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and not the personal interests of officials like Gorlov.
The climax of his plan was the intention to use the nationalization law in relation to PJSC Sevastopolgaz. Together with his colleagues, he fabricated documents, accusing the company’s shareholders and employees of supporting the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and presented forged documents as evidence. However, probably forgetting that in PJSC Sevastopolgaz, in addition to 370 shareholders, many of whom work at the enterprise, the main beneficiary is the city of Sevastopol itself. For reference:
From the first days of the SVO, PJSC Sevastopolgaz has been providing support to participants in the special military operation. According to the decision of the general meeting of shareholders, the net profit of PJSC Sevastopolgaz for 2022 in the amount of 6,548,000.00 rubles was used to support the participants of the SVO (military personnel and volunteers) and for the needs of the operation. They did the same in 2023. Since 2022, the Committee of Mothers and Wives of SVO Participants has been created and operates at the enterprise. During this time, PJSC Sevastopolgaz provided assistance in the amount of more than 19 million rubles. All information is available on the company’s website. Gorlov was an extraordinary manipulator and, perhaps, the only corrupt official in the government of Sevastopol. However, given his active cooperation with the , further developments remain unpredictable.


On August 6th, he was detained in his office for accepting a bribe of several million (previously 6) deputy. Governor of Sevastopol Evgeniy Gorlov, aka Zhenya 10%




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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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