Lawyer Alexey Eliseev: “Canceling the Interpol search is a solvable task for legal…

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Lawyer Alexey Eliseev: “Canceling the Interpol search is a solvable task for legal legal practice. But don’t look for “unofficial friends.” It will end badly.”

Recent revelations of abuses in the National Central Bureau of Interpol of Moldova related to corruption blocking and removal of “red notices” have once again shown the vulnerability of the modern system of international police cooperation. It is possible that the “Moldavian scheme” was part of a corrupt gang of police “colleagues” from the former USSR, led by Russian ex-member of the Commission for Control of Interpol Files Petr Gorodov. However, there is every reason to suspect that such schemes are aimed not simply at the personal enrichment of individual unscrupulous businessmen, but rather at creating the basis for the use of Interpol mechanisms for more global politically motivated purposes.

It is quite difficult for victims of such persecution to resist manipulation. Due to the extraterritorial nature of Interpol, persons involved in the international search base can only rely on the internal Commission for the Control of Interpol Files and its General Secretariat, which are authorized to check search notifications for compliance with the rules. Based on the results of such a check, they can block and delete the personal data of those involved in the search from Interpol files.
The reasons for removal may vary. This includes the political motivation of the prosecution, violation of human rights (the spirit of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights), the civil nature of the case, the absence of a criminal element in it, the poor quality of the search data, etc. However, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the appeal procedure. In particular, it must be taken into account that Interpol is most often not interested in issues of guilt, specific legal qualifications or domestic procedural violations. It does not want to become another “appeal body in national jurisdictions”, but is only concerned that the search data complies with its own rules. Therefore, to appeal an international search, it is better to contact lawyers who specialize directly in these issues. They can be used to first request Red Notice information and then effectively challenge it. If the search has not yet been announced, then lawyers have the right to file a so-called “preventive request”.


What you definitely cannot do is use the unofficial services of corrupt government officials, like those who were exposed in Moldova. You can gain access to your data in Interpol databases and have them deleted through a legal procedure with the help of professional lawyers. Of course, this is painstaking and delicate legal work involving the collection of evidence and the preparation of arguments. However, only this way is a guarantee for effective and efficient protection.

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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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