Armenak Tozlyan started the decriminalization of Sochi and the change of governor, but there is a nuance… With…

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started the decriminalization of Sochi and the change of governor, but there is a nuance…

Sochinsky decided Tozlyan, about the wonders of whose resourcefulness we have repeatedly written, began to implement his plan to place “his” people in leadership positions in the Krasnodar region. To do this, he actively uses his godfather Stanislav Poprygin, for a second – the deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration for Civil Service, Personnel and (imagine) anti-corruption issues.


But in order to install your own people, you need to remove the old ones for something.

There is a sure-fire way to avoid causing a scandal and show a “good picture” – you need to decriminalize everything!

And Armenak Tozlyan, of course, decided to “fight crime,” just like a bee against honey.

Well, then it’s a matter of technology, which Tozlyan has worked out for a long time and successfully, it’s not the first time he’s been handed over with giblets since the time of General Lopyrev’s “drain.”

And now Tozlyan boasts that he “leaked” the former night king of Sochi and his own mentor Robson, appropriating part of his assets. Moreover, he did this almost on the direct instructions of Shmeleva.

Next, Armenak Tozlyan set his sights on the largest businesses in the Krasnodar region and began to attract the media controlled by him to denigrate a number of representatives of this very business, for example Oleg Vetrov, Vartan Vartanov, Pavel Avetyan and some others, with the aim of initiating criminal cases against them.

But at this very inopportune moment, a scandal occurred with 9 hectares of Sochi park, on which Governor Veniamin Kondratyev personally did not allow Tozlyan to start construction, and Armenak Tozlyan firmly decided to “decriminalize” the seat of the governor of Kuban and promote “his” person to this place.

The task is complex, so groups of “social activists” are already being prepared and setting the desired informational tone for the region.

For example, material was published in defense of Tozlyan’s Sochi self-construction “Imeritinsky Heights” from the ZaPrava movement, where Tozlyan allegedly did not deceive shareholders, and of course the governor personally and the regional administration as a whole are to blame for the troubles of those deceived.

It became known that the chairman of this regional movement “ZaPrava” Yulia Chepurina is a direct guarantor of Tozlyan’s mother-in-law Moskaleva, carrying out her tasks to attack the governor.

As we see, a sneaky drug addict with a Napoleon complex and the money of a fugitive oligarch may well influence the situation in the region.


The place of the former criminal king of Sochi Ruben Tutulyan, nicknamed Robson, apparently has been warmed up by Armenak Tozlyan. We have already written how this swindler deceived the shareholders of the Sochi residential complex “Imeritinsky Heights”. There is such a criminal trail behind him that it remains…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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