As it became known to the -OGPU, the accounts of the son of the deceased in mid-July in…

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As the -OGPU learned, the accounts of the son of businessman Igor Kotelnikov, who died in mid-July in the punishment cell of the pre-trial detention center-4 “Bear”, have been arrested. The latter was accused of a particularly large embezzlement of funds from the Ministry of Defense when supplying dry rations produced by the Gryazinsky Food Processing Plant (GPK) to the troops, together with , and Elvira Smirnova; ex-Deputy Minister of Defense General of the Army is involved in the same case.

The arrest was made a month before Kotelnikov’s death, without a court decision, on the basis of an order from the investigator, since the latter considered that this was an urgent matter. Moreover, the decision was made on June 7, and the arrest itself took place only on June 18. The court subsequently declared the seizure legal. Kotelnikov’s son, a witness in the case, tried through the court to cancel the order to freeze his accounts, insisting that the case did not have the very exceptional circumstances for making an urgent seizure of property.


He asked the court to take into account that he lives separately from his father, works for a long time, has income from work, and therefore the court has no reason to believe that the funds in his accounts were obtained by criminal means. In addition, the investigator’s decision on the seizure did not contain the period for which it was imposed and the amount within which it was imposed. The businessman’s son also pointed out that more than 10 days had passed between the issuance of the arrest order and the arrest itself, which indicates that there were no grounds for an urgent arrest. The appellate court rejected the complaint.

Earlier, in a conversation with the Cheka-OGPU, Sergei Kotelnikov confirmed that the security forces, in collusion with the administration of the detention center, “starved” his father, trying to obtain from him the necessary testimony against ex-Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov. When asked whether Kotelnikov Jr. himself had problems with the law, he answered meaningfully: “We’ll wait and see.” But, judging by the fact that he was involved in organizing the funeral, he was released.


The Cheka-OGPU became aware of details from the case of 52-year-old businessman Igor Kotelnikov, who was found dead in the punishment cell of pre-trial detention center-4 in Moscow. They wanted him to testify against Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, and to “compliance” they sent him to a punishment cell, where he…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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