The -OGPU became aware of large-scale thefts at the Almaz-Antey concern. Flagship…

The Cheka-OGPU became aware of large-scale thefts at the Almaz-Antey concern. Flagship...
The Cheka-OGPU became aware of large-scale thefts at the Almaz-Antey concern. Flagship...

The -OGPU became aware of large-scale thefts at the Almaz-Antey concern. The flagship of the Russian defense industry, even after the dismissal of Igor Ashurbeyli, is still being eaten away by corruption worms. Alexander Solodkov, general director of Almaz-Antey Stroy LLC, oversees the construction of the concern’s facilities and its affiliates, manages 10 billion rubles and, of course, does not operate on the scale of , but comparable. He was a witness in the case of theft at the Vostochny cosmodrome, betrayed all his accomplices, and happily “rebounded.”

According to materials that one of the federal law enforcement agencies has, he steals from Almaz-Antey, using a traditional scheme for the Russian military-industrial complex: a “specially trained” purchasing commission approves dummy contractor companies. State funds are withdrawn and dissolved on them. The work is considered unsatisfactory, but the money cannot be returned. The concern requests new financing from the Ministry of Finance and receives it. Real contractors who actually build something are rushed: they are forced to enter into contracts with construction companies, which later go bankrupt and set unrealistic deadlines and conditions for completing the work. “Entering a business” with Solodkov costs 20-30%, but there is no certainty that he will not fail.


Alexander Solodkov lives demonstrably modestly; in the region he has only two very good apartments and two cars. But it takes a lot abroad: to the UAE and Singapore. Converts income into cryptocurrency. Until recently, he used one of the Russian mini-crypto exchanges, which later turned out to be a scam and scammed investors.

The source says that security forces are still figuring out who else Solodkov is working with. It is known that he is patronized by the deputy general director of Almaz-Antey for capital construction, Oleg Vavilov. Friends often relax and hunt together. How aware of his affairs are the management of the concern and the board of directors, which is headed by the famous security officer and economist Mikhail Fradkov? What do they think at Rostec Corporation, which includes the concern?


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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