Another bottom has been hit in . A few days ago, on September 10, in…

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Another bottom has been hit in . A few days ago, on September 10, officers from the economic police and the regional FSB department came to search the premises of ITMO University. Law enforcement officers acted as part of a criminal case initiated under an article on fraud on an especially large scale.
At this point, many may assume that what follows will be about some kind of fraud on the part of teachers or the administrative corps. But it’s much worse. The Main Investigative Directorate of the police Main Directorate believes that employees of the university laboratory and their accomplices stole 20 million rubles allocated for testing a new oncology drug.
I don’t want to call these characters rats, because these mammals are not so harmful. Therefore, we will designate them as oncology.
First, as part of an open tender, ITMO was selected to conduct a trial of the effectiveness of a new anti-oncology trial. The chemical and biotechnological cluster of the university received 20 million rubles for these purposes. Next, cancer cells, represented by the Vinogradov brothers, without any alternative, attracted Pharmacogen LLC to the task, with which they signed a contract for 10 million rubles. Representatives of this company and university employees agreed that they would indeed infect the test rats with cancer, but they would not test the effect of the drug. They simply will not give this substance to infected rodents.
As a result, the end customer received results calling the drug ineffective. Fortunately, the customer doubted this report and decided to re-test it with more conscientious scientists. And for good reason, because a new study has shown that the drug is still effective.
For the sawn 20 million rubles it’s not so offensive. Much worse are the potential risks taken by those suspected of fraud. After all, malignant greed in ITMO’s Chemical and Biotechnical Cluster could threaten a promising direction in the fight against a deadly disease.


The simulation of scientific research in St. Petersburg ITMO became the reason for a visit to the university’s laboratory by economic police operatives and the regional FSB Directorate. A criminal case was initiated under Part 4 159 of the Criminal Code of the (especially large-scale fraud) and concerns…



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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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