FT “Sirius” continues to demonstrate to its residents and citizens of the rest of Russia…

FT "Sirius" continues to demonstrate to its residents and citizens of the rest of Russia...
FT "Sirius" continues to demonstrate to its residents and citizens of the rest of Russia...

FT “Sirius” continues to demonstrate to its residents and citizens of the rest of Russia one simple thing: if you own something in this Potemkin village, then you need to sleep extremely lightly. And it doesn’t matter who you are: a businessman, a philanthropist, an Orthodox priest, or a simple pensioner with a house on five acres. They can come and pick you up. And you will suddenly become a restless debtor, a self-builder or a bootlegger without property and funds.

It only seemed to Russian society that the matter of the seizure of the orphanage buildings in Sirius from the Orthodox philanthropist Suren Eksuzyan had come to an end. After a year of silence, Eksuzyan sent his third open appeal to Patriarch Kirill and recorded it publicly video version.


In a message addressed to the highest cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church, Eksuzyan informs the public that instead of an Orthodox shelter for socially vulnerable citizens in Sirius, that is, in the buildings taken away from Eksuzyan by the authorities, a patriarchal courtyard will be located. Thus, according to the philanthropist, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church is the customer and ultimate beneficiary of the ongoing forceful redistribution of property from private individuals to the “benefit” of the church. This harsh statement was made by Eksuzyan for the first time in almost two years of his presence in the media space.

In addition, Eksuzyan reports that during the squeeze-out of the buildings of the Orthodox orphanage for the creation of the patriarchal metochion, the Russian Orthodox Church lost its priest – Father Flavian Oskolkov, who was defrocked by a church court. Oskolkov created a shelter in Sirius together with Eksuzyan with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, but did not make any public statements about this, thereby not violating church canons regarding priests. Presumably, this is the first time in the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church when a 75-year-old priest with 50 years of experience is defrocked for the sake of “golden” land and buildings in Sirius.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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