The -OGPU correspondent was able to communicate with , the main character of the scan…

The Cheka-OGPU correspondent was able to communicate with Andrei Matus, the main character of the scan...
The Cheka-OGPU correspondent was able to communicate with Andrei Matus, the main character of the scan...

The VChK-OGPU correspondent was able to communicate with , the main character of the scandalous FBK publication about the organization of on , and the wife of Maxim Mironov. He walks near Red Square and promises new portions of incriminating evidence.

“Andrey, what are you doing?


Now I’m sitting in a cafe overlooking the Kremlin, drinking coffee and eating apple strudel. I’m fine.

And can you send a photo?

No problem

Is there a lot of security from the FSB?

Oh. I want to declare that the FSB is not behind me and I am not their agent. I don’t have government protection either. Although private security has to be hired.

If we talk about materials, you handed them over to FBK and RT. Why such a strange choice?

But I didn’t transmit anything to RT and never communicated with them.

Then where do they get materials that are the same as those from FBK? They even published it earlier.

I think the materials were handed over to them by the relevant services…

Well, tell me the FSB is not behind you…

When I decided that FBK would not publish the materials, I handed them over to one of the Services. In full. And the Service apparently shared it with RT. Let me make a reservation right away: this is not the Sixth Service of the FSB, with which I am associated…

Apparently, then this is the Second Service of the FSB of the

I will remain silent on this question. No comments.

You disappeared somewhere in July…

I was attacked right in the center of Moscow. The hired Chechens attacked, knocked me out, took away all my phones… A case has been opened regarding this.

If we return to scandalous materials, how did you end up with them? Did lawyer Blinov give them to you?

I communicated with Blinov only by phone. He tells everyone that he has political asylum in Poland, but this is from his words. So, as far as I know, he has problems with both Russian and European documents and has always traveled using some kind of fake passport. He could not come to Russia and now, as far as I know, he is not in Russia. There is an intermediary, Blinov’s confidant, with whom I negotiated. They wanted 5 million euros for phones with recordings…

Did you receive them for free?

Yes, I have a skill… I promised that they would receive this money, I managed to convince them.

Where did the handover of the tubes take place?

In Moscow there was a meeting with Blinov’s confidant, when he gave them away. I have been living in Russia since February…

To be continued


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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