The -OGPU reported on the impending resignation of Dmitry Livanov from the post of rector of MIPT. …

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The -OGPU reported on the impending resignation of Dmitry Livanov from the post of rector of MIPT. As it became known later, his new place of work will be Skoltech, where he will replace the eighty-year-old rector Alexander Kuleshov.
In this regard, a serious scandal is brewing, since the leadership of the Skolkovo Institute and its top employees will not accept Livanov’s candidacy. Skoltech members intend to fight the uninvited appointee, who has already been embarrassed while working as minister and rector of Physics and Technology,
The choice of Skoltech for Livanov is not accidental. As an interlocutor of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel from the Skolkovo Institute says, “…especially in the last year, under the leadership of Academician A.P. Kuleshov, the degradation of Skoltech, which is still one of the coolest scientific centers in the country, is in full swing. Of course, Kuleshov visits Skoltech. People see it more often than we see a solar eclipse… Skoltech’s corpse, which has begun to decompose, attracts all kinds of predators. The story about Livanov’s arrival at Skoltech is exactly about this. No one has forgotten how he (to put it mildly) turned a blind eye to all sorts of shady people whose dissertations had many questions. Why do we need such a character at the helm of Skoltech? There is only one way out in this situation: Skoltech should be headed by a serious scientist from the current team, and this, again, should not be a mathematician. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it. We need a person who does real serious science, with a crystal scientific reputation.”



Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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