A source from the -OGPU spoke about an interesting practice that the is implementing today…

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A source from the -OGPU spoke about an interesting practice that is being implemented today by the head of the Second Department for the of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Directorate of the of the for the Krasnodar Territory, citizen Makovei

So, Kuban businessman Alexander Yarchuk is a fugitive beneficiary of the Krasnodar Firm “Graviton”, living in Austria. He fled there in 2015 with 5 billion stolen from the Graviton Company. Over the past five years, the General Director of the Graviton Company, Lev Kurbatsky, has been actively taking measures to return the stolen goods.


Yarchuk’s revenge on Kurbatsky was not long in coming. According to Yarchuk’s assistants, criminal cases began to be initiated against Kurbatsky. Yarchuk’s goal is clear: to enjoy retribution on Kurbatsky, and force him to resign and appoint a controlled person as director of Graviton.
Yarchuk’s benefit is also obvious: the controlled director will not rip up the old stuff. You won’t have to pay back the billions. At the same time, the organization urgently needs money: to pay salaries to hundreds of workers, pay taxes, and pay off creditors. Everyone at the enterprise is really looking forward to this and hopes for Kurbatsky.

Yarchuk is being helped by the former Russian lawyer Ilya Sergeevich Novikov (deprived of his status, recognized as a foreign agent, joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, accused of Articles 275 and 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, convicted in absentia under Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (public dissemination of information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation). In Novikov is currently hiding in Ukraine and is on the international wanted list.

The “assistant” of the fugitive figures (on the payroll of the foreign agent Novikov for Yarchuk’s money?) is the head of the Second Department for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory D.A. Makovey. It is on his instructions that the preliminary investigation into groundless criminal cases against Lev Kurbatsky has been dragging on for many years. It is he who “pushes” charges against Kurbatsky in the absence of a crime.
One would think that Makovei is conscientiously mistaken, and in his mistake he stands guard over the law. But no. The courts and the prosecutor’s office have repeatedly examined the grounds for initiating criminal cases against Kurbatsky and no crime was discovered. However, Makovey D.A. ignores both court decisions and the demands of the prosecutor’s office about the lack of evidence of a crime in Kabatsky’s actions. Makovey continues to accept forged documents from Yarchuk’s assistants. Criminal cases are initiated based on forged documents and fake powers of attorney, despite the fact that the falsification of these documents has already been established by the court.

The investigation even proposes to Kurbatsky that criminal cases be terminated due to statute of limitations. But this is a huge damage to reputation. And this is being done so that Kurbatsky resigns from his position as director of Graviton.

Alas, the intervention of certain persons from law enforcement agencies of the Krasnodar Territory in corporate disputes is becoming a common practice.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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