There is such a well-known expression “to chew.” Translated from slang – to cheat, cheat…

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There is such a well-known expression “to chew.” Translated from slang – to cheat, cheat, lie and further synonyms. In this regard, the name of Mikhail Zhukhovitsky can be considered telling. Biography this figure contains dozens of exercises on the topic “deceive your neighbor,” and then those far away, and of course, the state. Moreover, over time, this trust fraudster diversified his activities: he began as an organizer of mining offices in the capital’s markets, specializing in “laundry services” for and settlements for criminal transactions. He was blackmailing a well-known bank. He organized companies for the return of fake VAT through chains of “fly-by-nights” and other tricks that were within the sphere of interests of the investigative authorities. And for some time now Zhukhovitsky began to be “chased around the entire perimeter.” Then our combinator changed his specialization, starting to make money, as they say, on blood. Namely, using modern communication networks, he promises citizens to organize passports of third countries. Claiming that he has passports from six countries, the swindler, through a specially organized telegram channel, promises those who wish to receive foreign citizenship for an immodest bribe. Recently he has been promoting citizenship of Kyrgyzstan: “We will reduce personal income tax in the . We become Kyrgyz and pay 10% instead of 22%, immediately being removed from the military register.” In fact, with all the possible claims against the Russian authorities, these calls amount to attempts to organize massive high treason and tax evasion. Not to mention the clearly criminal background to the story of receiving six foreign passports.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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