The -OGPU publishes the next part of the conversation with , the main character of the math…

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The Cheka-OGPU publishes the next part of a conversation with , the main character of the FBK material about the organization of on Leonid Volkov, and the wife of

A question that probably interests everyone. Will there be a continuation of this story?


I think it will be interesting. At least FBK has materials that have not yet been released. And RT will also broadcast them…

Who will hand it over?

You yourself probably understand…

The FSB Service to which you gave them?

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What kind of materials are these?

FBK also has materials about surveillance of an opposition political figure. And RT may be about Russian episodes…

This means that, after all, an investigation is quietly underway in the , since there are Russian episodes. Or will it start after the release of the RT material?

I guess I don’t know.

And what about the Russian episodes?

These are never completed attacks. On Vitaly Borodin and Evgeniy Satanovsky…

Satanovsky for what?

Do you remember how he insulted Maria Zakharova on Solovyov’s broadcast? So, they had to beat him up, shouting: “This is for Masha.”

Sounds strange. And it’s doubtful…

Yes, but it’s the honest truth.

Will you somehow “promote” this topic yourself?

While I’m fighting off journalists. On Friday, Pankratova from The Bell attacked my old father and mother. I called her back myself so that she would leave them alone. She began to remember my arrests, then “stunned” me with a question: was it from FBK money that I paid 1 million rubles in tax debt. Well, then she began to read out the questions and answers from my interview from the Cheka-OGPU. This is a funny conversation. Empty and uninteresting. In my free time from journalists, I am ready to answer questions from European investigators, but I think that they will not contact me.

If we return to Blinov’s personality, where and how did he find performers?

I don’t know. He himself boasted that he had his own team of “thugs” whom he could send anywhere in the world. But I think this is bragging. Maybe I just found it on the Darknet. He is generally a very strange person. He constantly lied, made up things, had no money, kept his family in Russia. He calmly spoke on the phone about the attacks, adding a phrase like this: “I became aware of this attack completely by accident and I have nothing to do with it.” I believed that with such a phrase he was avoiding responsibility if, suddenly, conversations with him were written down. He could call in the middle of the night and say that he urgently needed 5 thousand euros, because he had withdrawal symptoms from the casino and if he didn’t play soon, he would feel bad. Well, everything is something like that.

To be continued


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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