In pursuit of subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk Region…

In pursuit of subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk Region...


In pursuit of subsidies from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk Region, a business conflict flared up, escalating into the political plane. In the struggle for agricultural land (subsidies are calculated based on the area of ​​crops and harvest volumes) between representatives of the Armenian diaspora and local agricultural producers, both political parties and corrupt prosecutors are used.

“Locals” (deputy Alexander Afansaskin and collective farm owner Nadezhda Kargapoltseva) enlisted the support of local prosecutor Oksana Amelina (mother of Afanaskin’s granddaughter), who organizes endless checks against the administration and was able to eliminate all possible candidates for the post of head of the Pyshminsky urban district so that no one interferes with cutting subsidies . The number of inspections by the prosecutor’s office and other involved supervisory authorities has increased multiple times compared to the period before Amelina’s appointment. The Armenian diaspora, represented by Simon Srabyan, attracted to its side representatives of the Communist Party of the , who published an issue of the newspaper Sverdlovskaya Pravda with revealing materials regarding Oksana Amelina (who, as it turned out earlier, took part in the redistribution of the market for intimate services) and Afanaskin. Where are the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region Boris Krylov looking (why does he not notice the conflict of interests and allows family ties to take precedence over the law) and the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Zyuganov? When will the Ministry of Agriculture of the Sverdlovsk Region pay attention to fraud with subsidies to the Kalininsky agricultural production company?



Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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