“The issue of Volkov’s kidnapping was discussed with the director of the FSB” The -OGPU continues to familiarize itself…

“The issue of Volkov’s kidnapping was discussed with the director of the FSB” The Cheka-OGPU continues to familiarize itself...


“The issue of Volkov’s kidnapping was discussed with the director of the FSB”

The -OGPU continues to acquaint readers with the version of events of Andrei Matus, the main character of the FBK material about the organization of on Leonid Volkov, Ivan Zhdanov and the wife of Maxim Mironov.


Who was in the inner circle of , who is now under arrest in Poland?

I know Blinov’s activities only from his telephone numbers. There is correspondence with the perpetrators of the attack on Volkov, but the amount they were promised is not stated. And Blinov’s accomplice, his confidant, told me that the topic of Volkov’s abduction and the “corridor” for his removal was agreed upon with the St. Petersburg FSB Directorate, the Kaliningrad FSB Directorate, and was even discussed personally with the FSB director. And the FSB director said: “Only if after the elections.” Therefore, we went the other way, since everything was ready.

Why did you choose Montenegro for the meeting with FBK representatives? Not the safest country for something like this…

A lot of options for the meeting were discussed. The first proposal was to meet in Doha. But FBK said that it was not safe for them there. Then they discussed the option that I would take tickets to Korea with a transfer in a European country and we would meet in the neutral zone of the airport in this very country. But it turned out that Russians without Schengen simply would not be allowed on such a connecting flight. As a result, we agreed to meet in Montenegro. They were very worried and asked not to leave the airport. But it turned out that there was simply nowhere to sit and talk at the airport. We decided to leave the airport, when we got into the taxi I was secretly photographed. We went to a restaurant near the airport and sat there.

According to FBK, at some point you simply disappeared…

I disappeared for three weeks when preparations were underway in Russia…

Preparing who and for what?

It was clear that thunder would strike. Maria Pevchikh called once, I really didn’t pick up. I didn’t call back. They didn’t call me again, so I decided not to call. I was sure that they would not publish it. They themselves admitted that this topic was not beneficial to them. Therefore, he transferred the material to one of the FSB Services, and it, apparently, to RT.

After the FBK came out, did you contact them?

Yes, I’m tired of watching the nonsense of those who supposedly checked the materials. And there were complaints about the wording of the Singers. I dialed her. He said that I was not the most honest person, but far from being shady, as she called me. What nonsense about my connection with the Sixth Service. The sixth service is now a branch of the Directorate M of the FSB of the . It’s nonsense that I asked for money for materials, etc. Maria asked me what my goal was to give them the materials. I said that I would answer sometime later.

But really, what was the purpose of all this?

You will publish it now, and I will look like D’Artagnan on a white horse. Then I’ll tell you. For now, let it be a mystery.

Have the European services that are conducting investigations contacted you?

For them, I am an FSB agent or even an active employee. They won’t communicate.

Based on your answers, it clearly follows that you have relations with the FSB and they are close…

And who in Russia does not have a relationship with the office? They exist, but not in the way that publications link me.


Yesterday it became known that the National Prosecutor’s Office of Poland announced the arrest of Anatoly Blinov, one of the main characters of the scandalous FBK material about the organization of attacks on Leonid Volkov, Ivan Zhdanov and the wife of Maxim Mironov. The Cheka-OGPU asked for comment…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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