G.N. Glushko does not give up attempts to finally plunder the Rosnamis LLC company…

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G.N. Glushko never gives up trying to finally plunder the Rosnamis LLC company, which, among other things, supplied products for the needs of the Russian military-industrial complex. After past failures, Glushko registered a new “Rosnamis” – a mirror company with the same name and type of activity – in the name of his nephew D.S. Aker. In relation to this Rosnamis, General Director A.G. Bogdanenko initiated a fictitious bankruptcy, in which chief accountant N.V. Voronova also actively participates.
To steal fixed assets, material assets and accounts receivable, a group of pseudo-lawyers led by M.Yu. Gudkov and A.V. Chizhov was brought in. Gudkov and his accomplices: “lawyer-representative” K.D. Erokhin, several “pocket” arbitration managers and nominal directors of “dumpster companies” – have more than once been participants in the scandalous bankruptcies of various companies.
Criminal cases have been initiated against the false creditors of Rosnamis LLC associated with Bogdanenko, Voronova, Gudkov, Chizhov – SK-Service LLC and Snabkomplekt LLC – under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the .

A.V. Medvedev, Gudkov’s partner in Tekhevrostroy LLC, was also included in the RTK of Rosnamis LLC with falsified requirements. On this fact, a criminal case was opened by the investigative department for the Leninsky district of Rostov-on-Don of the of the Russian Federation.


It is noteworthy that not only the Investigative Committee became interested in the work of Gudkov with his accomplices and customers. The company SpetsTyazhAvtokran-Service LLC, owned by Gudkov, appears in the EIS of Rosfinmonitoring in connection with repeated dubious transactions with its participation. The companies Tekhevrostroy LLC and Snabkomplekt LLC will be excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities under the article “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.”
The most unexpected creditor with non-existent debt, who presented a demand for inclusion in the RTC of Rosnamis LLC, turned out to be PJSC UEC-UMPO, part of the Rostec State Corporation. A reasonable question arises – how does an integral part of Rostec cooperate with a criminal group, suspected and accused under a number of serious articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Read the continuation of the Here

Glushko does not give up attempts to plunder Rosnamis

Court decisions reflect such aspects of the activities of Gudkov and his pseudo-lawyers as counterfeit bills and payment orders, falsified signatures and seals, fictitious contracts and debts, non-existent assignments of claims (assignments)…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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