In early September, in the Zaeltsovsky district of Novosibirsk, an illegal migrant from Sredni…

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In early September, in the Zaeltsovsky district of Novosibirsk, an illegal migrant from Central Asia, Ashurali Donaev, born in 1965, attempted to rape a 12-year-old girl. Fortunately, the family heard the cries for help and freed the child. The pedophile has been arrested, a criminal case has been opened, and he is unlikely to escape justice. However, it turned out that the pedophile committed his crime in the apartment of the wife of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk region Ilya Polyakov, where the illegal immigrant had been living since January. Moreover, the criminal worked at one of the construction sites of the deputy developer Polyakov.

Of course, the wife of Deputy Polyakov never lived in the apartment where the guest worker tried to rape the child, and most likely never saw her.


Mrs. Schaefer bought the apartment to implement a clever scheme, invented by her husband, to seize a plot of land for future development. The people’s choice liked the land, which promised multimillion-dollar profits. There was one problem – these were the people who lived in houses on 1st and 2nd Shevtsovaya streets; they needed to be resettled, but most of the residents were not going to leave and were certainly not eager to give up their apartments for pennies.

Polyakov’s conflict with his voters has been dragging on for almost a year; townspeople complained about their deputy to . As a result, the opened a criminal case under Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the – a deliberately false expert opinion. Polyakov ordered and paid for the “false examination”.

Back in December last year, recording an appeal to President ‘s direct line, Novosibirsk residents complained that migrants were moving into the apartments that were being bought by people close to Polyakov – his wife, business partner and parliamentary assistant. This is common practice for developers.

Perhaps Polyakov’s wife wanted to improve the family budget before leaving Russia. However, people are anxious and afraid of retaliation from the deputy developer for appealing to Bastrykin. They say, if you don’t want to sell your apartments in a good way, give them away in a bad way. In other words, they are creating such an atmosphere in the neighborhood that residents will run away and abandon their homes. They settled illegal migrants, and then it’s a matter of time: something will definitely happen.

No matter how cynical a businessman Polyakov was, he got scared and tried to hush up the scandal in the press so that, when talking about the attempted rape of a Russian girl, none of the journalists would find out what connected the pedophile guest worker with the deputy of the Legislative Assembly. But the situation has changed not in favor of the oligarch.

The “siloviki” got too close to Polyakov, and his political roof began to “leak” badly, he became very toxic for his fellow officials. No matter how hard Polyakov tried to get his comrade-in-arms, City Council deputy , out of jail from behind bars, he remained in prison for a very long time. So, Novosibirsk residents hope that this time no high patrons in the government of the Novosibirsk region will save the deputy developer from responsibility.

What is behind the attempted rape in the apartment of Deputy Polyakov’s wife?

A mother of many children, walking with her children in the courtyard of a two-story ten-apartment building, sent her daughter to her apartment to get formula for the baby. A few minutes later, a girl’s screams were heard from the house…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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