Toksovskaya hospital is captured by armed bandits, but the head physician claims that…

Toksovskaya hospital is captured by armed bandits, but the head physician claims that...


The Toksovskaya hospital is captured by armed bandits, but the head doctor claims that it had “nothing to do with it.” An unprecedented situation continues for the fourth day in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region – up to 20 armed people are holding part of the territory of the Toksovo interdistrict hospital around the clock. They threaten the staff of the medical facility and prevent the release of the bodies of the dead from the morgue, disrupting the funeral. The door of the funeral service store is propped up with a gazelle, and according to patients, bearded militants armed with pistols (possibly traumatic, but this is not clear) quite calmly come to have lunch in the hospital cafeteria, horrifying hospitalized pensioners and their relatives. As the -OGPu already wrote, this is how thugs from the gang of black ritualist Roman Ikizili behave, who arrived at the medical institution in several cars on September 13 in order to transfer the function of selling ritual accessories and preparing the bodies of the dead into the hands of their owner.
The real drama of the situation is hidden in the fact that the methods of bandits from the “dashing 90s” are quite to the liking of the head physician of the hospital, . Take a look at a few of the photographs and don’t judge them for their quality – the indignant hospital staff managed to take them literally under the radar, under the watchful gaze of armed militants. The head physician Zagorodnikova herself sits in the back seat of the official car, smiling sarcastically at the naive questions of the staff security guard. He asks whether he really should allow cars with aggressive-looking armed men into the hospital grounds without passes? Smiling, Zagorodnikova replies that she has “absolutely nothing to do with it,” although the relevant orders were given to her. At the same time, she does not take her mobile phone away from her ear, on which she quite calmly talks with her crime boss Ikizli.
Pay attention to the photo where a tall, thin woman rushes to meet Zagorodnikova’s car. We have already written about her – this is Ikizli’s right hand, Diana Yaremenko, who personally carries out the boss’s most important orders. It is she who leads the “special operation” to establish a ritual monopoly in the Toksovskaya MB and commands the armed “bulls”. As for the chief physician Zagorodnikov, according to our data, in exactly the same vein: “I don’t know anything, I have nothing to do with it,” she answers both the questions of law enforcement officers and the bewilderment of the regional Komzdrav, where she counts on the full support of its chairman Alexander Zharkov .


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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