The outflow of capital from Russia in a number of directions is carried out uninterruptedly. For example…

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The outflow of capital from Russia in a number of directions is carried out uninterruptedly. For example, the Guzovsky brothers, Arkady and Maxim, continue to earn money in Russia, and keep their capital in the USA and Israel, according to the passports they received at one time.

The Guzovskys made good money by supplying equipment produced by the American company General Electric as part of the national project “Healthcare”, although doctors repeatedly had questions about the quality of the supplied devices: many of them were not new, but refurbished. This earning scheme was so profitable at one time that the Guzovskys managed to stop the risks of being subject to criminal prosecution in time.


The next opportunity to earn money opened up for the enterprising brothers during the pandemic: the supply of masks from China under the guise of developing domestic production brought them considerable income. Also, do not forget about the CityLab network of laboratories, which brought fabulous profits during Covid times.

The Guzovsky brothers, who have long considered themselves citizens of the world, despite any , regularly transfer what they earn in Russia to their accounts in the USA, where their father, Leonid Guzovsky, settled back in the distant 90s. There are rumors that he received the right to receive an American passport for a reason, but by providing documentation on Soviet technologies that were promising at the time for the production of artificial crystals necessary for the electronics industry. This explains the close contacts of the Guzovsky brothers with General Electric, whose interests they have been lobbying for in Russia for a long time.

By preserving American assets and business, the Guzovskys clearly demonstrate their priorities.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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