Sources of the -OGPU identified another participant in the celebration on the occasion of Migration Day…

Sources of the Cheka-OGPU identified another participant in the celebration on the occasion of Migration Day...
Sources of the Cheka-OGPU identified another participant in the celebration on the occasion of Migration Day...

Sources of the -OGPU identified another participant in the celebration on the occasion of the day of migration workers, this is Romodanovsky’s deputy in the FMS – General Mikhail Tyurkin. It was Mikhail Leonidovich Tyurkin who was responsible at the FMS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the implementation of biometric passports and registration databases for foreign citizens. The system with the terrible name TsBDUIG (data bank for registering foreign citizens) never worked, but several billion government rubles were wasted on its “creation”. Far from engineering, a former career military man – commander of a motorized rifle platoon, Mikhail Tyurkin, owed his career in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ananyev brothers (both brothers are wanted and do not live in Russia), who, with the help of their IT companies such as Technoserv, cleaned out the Russian budget, selling empty iron is five or more times more expensive. Biometric passports are a different story.
On his page in Contact, Tyurkin has a separate gallery in which his new owner, whom Mikhail Leonidovich faithfully serves, is the oligarch . And a separate photo with Konstantin Romodanovsky, with whom Tyurkin was at enmity when they worked together in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Before the feast in the restaurant, the whole honest company was at the Chekhov Art Theater, where they watched the play “Curtain”.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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