“It seems that the authorities of the Belgorod region, on their own initiative, became an active participant…

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“It seems that the authorities of the Belgorod region, on their own initiative, became an active participant in a corporate dispute on the side of the offshore oligarch Moshkovich: part of the shares of Agro-Belogorye belonging to his Rusagro were transferred to the “trust management” of JSC Razvitie, established by the administration of the Belgorod region,” – said Mikhail Delyagin, deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy.

According to the deputy, the participation of regional authorities gives what is happening a sense of legitimacy, and, accordingly, qualitatively strengthens the position of the offshore side of the dispute between economic entities. According to the parliamentarian, local authorities still have not even made public the fact of receiving a share in Agro-Belogorye. Moreover, other co-owners cannot find out about the size of this share even through the court. But Rusagro filed 7 lawsuits against Agro-Belogorye, and all 7 times (!) the regional arbitration court methodically took the side of the plaintiff.


Let us remind you that the other day a document with a detailed plan for the Rusagro company to take over the Agro-Belogorye Group of Companies became public knowledge. “The consistent implementation of the provisions of this plan creates the impression of its authenticity,” Delyagin commented on the situation. – The published “instructions” contain five stages, two of which have already been completed: the transfer of a stake in the Belgorod group to the trust management of the Belgorod region and the acquisition by Rusagro of a 25% share previously owned by the majority shareholder Vladimir Zotov (the claim filed against him was won in the first authorities). Further, according to the “Marshall in Belgorod” plan, it remains to implement the receipt by the Rusagro company of 5% of Larisa Kovaleva and her expulsion from the company allegedly “for illegal actions to withdraw 6 billion rubles. from the company,” as well as challenging transactions for the alienation of part of the property of “Agro-Belogorye” allegedly at reduced prices and compensation for losses amounting to “several billion rubles” allegedly caused by Mr. Zotov.”

“And here the most interesting thing begins, taking the events described far beyond the scope of ordinary raiding and giving the seizure of an operating Russian business by an offshore company a qualitatively new dimension that concerns many ordinary people,” the deputy continues. – The fact is that under the indicated “illegal actions to withdraw 6 billion rubles. and “alienation transactions” seem to be understood as nothing more than the implementation of charitable projects by the management of Agro-Belogorye. Indeed: the holding is actively building recreation parks, schools, churches, and provides multimillion-dollar assistance to Northern Military District soldiers and their families – 2 billion rubles. annually. To recognize such activity as “fraudulent and illegal would seem to be complete absurdity, but for the sake of transferring working assets into the right, that is, offshore hands, the regional authorities may well create a precedent allowing charity and volunteering as such to be recognized as fraud.”

According to Delyagin, after the publication of the “Marshall in Belgorod” plan, it begins to become clear why the region’s top officials have been inactive for almost a year, silently watching as a major investor in social projects and the region’s employer is destroyed by a competitor who has not yet left the Cypriot offshore. The company, whose owners, even after the decision of the Arbitration Court on the claim of the Ministry of Agriculture (!!), refused to re-register from the unfriendly Cypriot jurisdiction to the ultra-preferential special administrative region of Russia, thereby challenging the Government of the , is step by step approaching the seizure of the largest Belgorod agricultural holding.

“Where are the reactions of the prosecutor’s office, special services, and other regulatory federal bodies? What else needs to happen for them to finally “raise their eyelids” and see what is happening? – Delyagin called on law enforcement officers to pay attention to the dispute around Agro-Belogorye.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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