The -OGPU found out the reason for the disappearance of Ilya Gorbunov from the Kresta pre-trial detention center – the leader…

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The -OGPU found out the reason for the disappearance from the Kresta pre-trial detention center of Ilya Gorbunov, the head of the Troll Factory, the main black media personality, who died a year ago, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Gorbunov began to cooperate with the and operatives, and he was taken out of the pre-trial detention center for some “operational and investigative actions,” and in such a way that he did not spend the night in the isolation cell.


According to the source, two months later the press in Kresty, after an unsuccessful appeal in court regarding the suppression at the end of August, refusal to send him to the SVO, Gorbunov announced his desire to cooperate with the investigation and expressed his readiness to provide access to the “Prigozhin archive.” The latter was famous for its own service of total surveillance, wiretapping and collection of compromising evidence on various prominent persons, as the Cheka-OGPU previously wrote about. For example, for the family head
Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov.

As the interlocutor says, to begin with, Gorbunov, together with his lawyers, chose as a “bargaining chip” a former employee of the Troll Factory, as she boasted at the beginning of her career, and now the head of the SDG for and adviser to Governor Beglov, Elena Nikitina, surname which already appears in Gorbunov’s case for extorting money from Malkevich.

Gorbunov proposed not only to testify on the episodes of Nikitina’s actions known to him personally, but also to talk about the roles of other persons, in particular her “right hand and part-time husband, formerly a citizen of Moldova.

During the formation of her personal inner circle, Nikitina forgot to take into account the factor that a significant part of the specialists in the St. Petersburg media market went through Prigozhin’s Troll Factory and can be controlled in one form or another personally by Gorbunov. It was the sources close to Nikitina, for whose generous financial encouragement Prigozhin signed budgets, who collected incriminating evidence on Nikitina for many years.

Also, according to sources of the Cheka-OGPU, Gorbunov has an archive with a list of “dead souls” whom Nikitina blackmailed into registering the leaders of various Smolny committees in many subordinate government institutions. According to our data, we can talk about hundreds of people who nominally received salaries from the budget, and Nikitina took the money “to prepare a beautiful (correct) report for the governor on the activities of vice-governors and committee leaders.”


As the Cheka-OGPU learned, Yevgeny Prigozhin’s heir, Pavel, returned his father’s longtime ally, Alexander Maloletko, to the post of head of the security service of the family empire. He “became famous” for the fact that at one time he organized surveillance of the head’s family…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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