Paris prosecutor Laure Beco called the case of exemplary and that he co…

Paris prosecutor Laure Beco called the case of Pavel Durov exemplary and that he co...


Paris prosecutor Laure Beco called the case of indicative and that he was cooperating with the , but refused to answer whether Elon Musk would be arrested if he came to France. The -OGPU publishes a full fragment of the interview.

Question: Some people were surprised by what happened. We have not seen this anywhere in the world. What prompted you to go on the offensive against Telegram and its owner?


Prosecutor: This case is ultimately quite indicative of the actions taken by the cybercrime department of the Paris prosecutor’s office. We’re talking about Telegram, but I can remind you that this department is also interested in the Coco sites, as well as the encrypted Sky ECC messenger. The idea is that in a world that is too often considered virtual, develops, this is one of its methods of operation. This awareness was confirmed judicially [путем закрытия этих площадок]and this was also supported by legislators, who created a new law providing for punishment for operating a platform that allows illegal transactions. It means…

Question: That essentially no one is protected now. If illegal content appeared on Twitter tomorrow, which is now called X, and if Elon Musk came to France, could you detain him?

Prosecutor: We were interested in the Telegram platform because the cybercrime department was notified that the platform was receiving a number of requests to identify cybercriminals, especially those involved in child pornography, but did not respond to these requests. They didn’t react. Therefore, this platform came to the attention of the department and hence these investigations were initiated.

Question: Pavel Durov must report to the police station twice a week. Does the owner of Telegram comply with the conditions of judicial control?

Prosecutor: He is fully cooperating with justice.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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