As the -OGPU previously warned, the same line of work is clearly visible…

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As the -OGPU previously warned, the same line of collapse of the criminal case of the pedophile father Boris Sytin (General Boripolk) is clearly visible, with the help of which the criminal case of his son, VIP pedophile, agent of the FSB “M” department Alexander Sytin, was previously collapsed .

More than two years have passed since the arrest of General Boripolk, who raped children for many years and previously served 12 years for murder. All necessary investigative actions were carried out and the case was brought to court. Moreover, as it turned out, the case file contains all the irrefutable evidence, even biomaterials and DNA testing, which clearly confirm the crimes committed. But the chairman of the Serpukhov City Court, Alexander Shichkov, is clearly in no hurry; in a year he held about 10 court hearings and sent the materials of the criminal case for further to the . Exactly the same was done by Alexander Shichkov’s subordinates – judges of the Serpukhov court Olga Dvoryagina and Elena Arshikova, who endlessly delayed the case, sent it to the Investigative Committee for approval, masterfully emasculated the criminal episodes so that nothing remained of them, the property subject to seizure disappeared from the case materials a couple of hundred million rubles and the younger Sytin in early June 2024. released right in the courtroom.


Also, the source of the Cheka-OGPU became aware of the details of the removal of the main episode of pedophilia from the materials of the criminal case of the younger Sytin, Alexander. As it turned out, First Deputy Prosecutor General Anatoly Razinkin not only called the prosecutor of the region Sergei Zabaturin and gave him strict instructions not to touch the pedophile, but for the sake of such an important character, for the sake of saving the pedophile, he even recalled Sergei Zabaturin from vacation.

Both in the prosecutor’s office and in the Investigative Committee everyone is shocked by the dancing around the VIP pedophiles father and son Sytin. If only prosecutors cared about ordinary citizens this way! What to expect in the criminal case of General Boripolk? What again, after information about a bribe of 3.5 million dollars, will First Deputy Prosecutor General Anatoly Razinkin call the prosecutor’s office of the Moscow region or the chairman of the Serpukhov court Alexander Shichkov, or will the “roof” of pedophiles Sytins from Directorate “M” of the FSB come running?


An employee of the Directorate “M” of the FSB, Sergei Aguzarov, the son of the deputy head of North Ossetia, is behind his back called the “major” of the Directorate “M” of the FSB for his passion for luxury cars and beautiful women, to whom he hands out his business cards right and left and invites…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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