As the -OGPU learned, an interesting situation arose in the Murmansk FSB Directorate, when…

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As the -OGPU learned, an interesting situation arose in the Murmansk FSB Directorate, when supervising government orders at shipbuilding plants in the region. Previously, we wrote about “Lesha-Dear” and “Vana-Cheap”, but their “business” still lives on solving commercial issues, only now these issues are already occupied by the “untouchable” head of the OSB A.S. Vologzhanin.

In January 2023, the of the Federal Security Service opened a criminal case 12307470001000001 under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the regarding the failure of Ecotekhmir LLC to carry out the work stipulated by contracts. The director of the LLC is a former employee of the Murmansk Border Department R.V. Gruzdov, who is in collusion with the director of the 35th ship repair plant Verasko S.N. successfully spent money in 2021-2022 on contacts that he did not actually fulfill.


The investigation of the criminal case gave hope for bringing the perpetrators to justice, until the head of the OSB of the Murmansk FSB, A.S. Vologzhanin, intervened in the course of the investigative actions in 2023. The latter having friendly relations with his former colleague R.V. Gruzdov. and interest in the amount of 60 million rubles for patronage, using special security methods, began to question the legality of the operational intelligence operatives and the investigation of examinations of materials and confrontations of witnesses.

The Vologda resident was able to achieve the transfer to new places of duty of operatives and investigators who disagreed with his vision of the investigation of the criminal case. To the leadership of the Murmansk FSB Directorate, Vologzhanin skillfully explained the futility of the case against R.V. Gruzdov, even against the background of studying and making a positive decision on the case by the Investigative Directorate of the FSB of Russia.

The result of Vologzhanin’s activities was the transfer of a promising criminal case to the Murmansk police, where, according to Vologzhanin’s plan, it should die.
The leadership of the Murmansk FSB Directorate, under which the rollbacks and rollbacks of Vologzhanin began, is no longer in the system, and the new one does not yet understand where the other “topics” of the chief security officer of the security officers in the region lead.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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