As the -OGPU found out, ex-senator from the Belgorod region and businessman Vadim Moshk…

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As the -OGPU found out, ex-senator from the Belgorod region and businessman is involved not only in a raider takeover, but also in episodes of deliberate bankruptcy.

Thus, in 2018, the value of the assets of the Solar Products group of companies (hereinafter referred to as Solpro) was at least 47,420,238,036 rubles. The amount of liabilities was 41,350,939,427 rubles, which consisted of a debt to JSC Rosselkhozbank in the amount of 35,166,548,899 rubles. and debt to other creditors in the amount of RUB 6,184,391,852.


In September 2018, between Burov V.Yu. (owner of Solpro) and Moshkovich V.N., Basov M.D. (Rusagro Group of Companies) negotiated the purchase of Solpro shares. Moshkovich proposed combining the production capacities of the Solar Products and Rusagro groups in order to increase business profitability from synergy. It was assumed that Moshkovich acquired the assets of Solpro for a nominal fee, that is, for next to nothing, in return, he bought the debt of the Solpro companies from Rosselkhozbank, after which he invested in the companies of the Solpro group. Burov, having been misled by Moshkovich and Basov about his true intentions, agreed to the proposed conditions.

On 10/03/2018, a share purchase and sale agreement was concluded, which stipulates that WORTHWELL LIMITED, controlled by Moshkovich, acquires from SOLPRO INVESMENTS 85% of the shares of Quartlink Holding Limited, which is the sole founder of the three main organizations JSC Fat Plant, JSC Atkarsky Oil Extraction Plant , JSC “Elevatorholding”. Thus, Moshkovich established control over the holding.

On November 29, 2018, an assignment agreement was concluded between Rosselkhozbank and LLC GC Rusagro, according to which LLC GC Rusagro acquired rights of claim against the participants of the Solpro holding under loan agreements, collateral and surety agreements. The total debt under the agreements was more than 35 billion rubles, but in fact the Rusagro Group of Companies bought this debt for 20 billion, as a result of which all interim measures, including pledges of assets, were transferred from the bank to the Rusagro Group of Companies.

However, after signing the agreement, Moshkovich and Basov decided to use both the status of the majority shareholder and the largest creditor for the deliberate bankruptcy of the Solnechnye Products holding. At the same time, the plan to take over the enterprise was developed in November 2018.

The editors of the Cheka-OGPU had at their disposal the following statements, inspection materials and criminal cases related to bankruptcies initiated by Moshkovich and his assets:

1. On September 22, 2023, Solpro Holding sent a statement to the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia regarding the presence of V.N. Moshkovich and M.D. Basov in their actions. and other unidentified beneficial owners of the Rusagro Group of Companies, signs of a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the , which resulted in the theft of assets of the Solar Products holding. The application is currently being verified.

2. Three statements from EFKO structures. EFKO Food Ingredients LLC suffered from deliberate bankruptcy actions in the takeover of Fat Plant JSC.

3. Statement by the temporary manager of JSC “Fat Plant” I.I. Sherukhin. dated 04/15/2021, which served as the basis for initiating criminal case No. 12101630001000775 (09/22/2021).

4. Statement from the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Saratov region dated 02.20.2021 to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Atkarsky district of the Saratov region, in which the tax inspectorate points to signs of deliberate bankruptcy of the Atkar oil extraction plant. The result is that the local police did not deal with this issue.

5. Materials from the inspection of KUSP 3775 dated July 28, 2022 and KUSP 1767 dated April 21, 2022 on the fact of the deliberate bankruptcy of Atkar Oil Extraction Plant JSC. There is a resolution refusing to initiate a criminal case.

6. Criminal case No. 12101630001000775, initiated on September 22, 2021, a criminal case regarding the deliberate bankruptcy of JSC Fat Plant. Currently in production.

That is, one unsolved crime gives rise to a series of new ones. In turn, the establishment of such intent logically determines that Moshkovich’s actions in relation to Burov’s assets will form an independent element of fraud, Part 4 (Part 7) of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


In the front-line Belgorod region, a corporate conflict erupted related to an attempted raider takeover of one of the leading agro-industrial enterprises in the region, the Agro Belogorye company. The current owners are the Rusagro Group of Companies (represented by ex-senator…


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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