As the -OGPU learned, dry rations for military personnel, supplied in 20…

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As the -OGPU learned, dry rations for military personnel, supplied in 2022-2023 to the Ministry of Defense by the Gryazinsky Food Plant (GPK), were not only significantly inflated in price (the beneficiaries of the scheme gained 1.3 billion rubles), but were also prohibited intended use. Relevant information is contained in the notification of laboratory results.

The defense of the defendants in the criminal case opened on April 18 regarding embezzlement in the supply of dry rations to the army – co-owners and members of the board of directors of the Civil Prosecutor’s Office Alexander Mikhailenko, and , who are being held in pretrial detention – in court, when extending their arrest period, insisted that the acts incriminated by the investigation were committed in field of entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, according to the lawyers’ logic, it is impossible to keep businessmen in a pre-trial detention center. However, the courts did not see an entrepreneurial nature in the activities of the accused.


In addition, as has become the norm lately, those involved in corruption criminal cases related to the Ministry of Defense receive many state and departmental awards. For example, Mikhailenko’s defense stated that their presence “characterizes him positively and indicates recognition of his services to the state and society.” Kovalevich’s lawyers assured in court that the accused “pays taxes and brings only benefits to society.”

According to investigators, the interests of the Civil Prosecutor’s Office were lobbied by the former Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov. He was charged with fraud on an especially large scale and was arrested.


As it became known to the Cheka-OGPU, 52-year-old businessman , who was accused of a particularly large embezzlement of funds from the Ministry of Defense, died in mid-July under strange circumstances in the punishment cell of the pre-trial detention center-4 “Bear”, and was involved in the same criminal case…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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