Former director of the Department of Culture , arrested…

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The former director of the Department of Culture, , who was arrested in a criminal case of bribery and attempted fraud, according to his lawyer, is “actively assisting the .” At the same time, according to the defense, “the presented [в суд для избрания меры пресечения] The case materials do not contain evidence of Kibovsky’s involvement in the incriminated crimes.” The ex-official’s lawyer asked to cancel the arrest order of the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow and release him under house arrest, or choose another preventive measure that does not involve imprisonment. Kibovsky’s international passport was confiscated during a search on July 16. His arrest expires on September 16.

Earlier, Kibovsky appealed to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, , with a request to facilitate his sending to war on the territory of Ukraine. The damage to the Moscow budget from the fraudulent scheme, in which, according to investigators, the former director of the capital’s culture department participated, amounted to about 38 million rubles. The criminal scheme involved the supply of furniture and interior design at an inflated price to the Moscow State Budgetary Institution “OKTs” under government contracts with the Department of Culture.



As the -OGPU learned, the damage to the Moscow budget from the fraudulent scheme, in which, according to investigators, the former director of the capital’s culture department, Alexander Kibovsky, participated, amounted to about 38 million rubles. The criminal scheme involved the supply of furniture…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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