Look what we have here. Who would have thought that a member of one of the most respected…

Look what we have here. Who would have thought that a member of one of the most respected...


Look what we have here. Who would have thought that a member of one of the most respected and staunch parties would be so unstable in his personal life. Although about “unstable” there is another way to look at it.

In the frames above, we confidently see a man who closely resembles State Duma deputy Denis Andreevich Parfenov, accompanied by the charming Diana. How did you know that it was Diana? As always, from the Internet, where Diana appears on a “professional” site for searching for intimate services.


The characteristic tattoo, discovered simultaneously on the leg of the charming woman and in her photo from the Internet, does not allow for an ambiguous interpretation regarding her face in the photo in our material and on the intimate website.

But Diana at least honestly presents herself as who she is – unlike the secretary of the City Committee of the Communist Party of the Parfenov. We readily believe that Denis is connected with Diana by exceptionally high romantic feelings, especially at the time of receiving intimate services. But we still can’t help but wonder: even if the young couple’s feelings are so strong, is it worth exchanging them right in the workplace, and not of Diana, but of the deputy?

We can only envy such feelings that nothing can stop – neither party principles, nor working time and place. Good luck to you, Denis and Diana, we are sure that now everything will definitely be serious for you.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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