As the -OGPU learned, a criminal case of mediation in bribery (…

As the Cheka-OGPU learned, a criminal case of mediation in bribery (...


As the -OGPU learned, a criminal case for mediation in bribery (Part 4 of Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the ) was opened against the lawyer, founding partner of the company “Bishenov and Partners” Alim Bishenov. At the request of the , the court placed him in a pre-trial detention center. The position of the defense in the appellate instance regarding the suppression was that the court’s arrest order was issued with significant violations of criminal procedural legislation, without taking into account the law enforcement practice of the highest courts of the Russian Federation. Bishenov’s lawyer also argued that the evidence presented in the investigation’s petition is inadmissible, and the court does not have the right to refer to it in its decision.

On the website of the company “Bishenov and Partners” the following is said about its director: “he is the author of publications and a regular speaker for leading media at the federal level in the field of ensuring the legal and economic security of business activities. Professional legal ratings of Russia, such as “Best Legal Practices” of the Kommersant Publishing House, include Alim Bishenov among the best specialists in the field of criminal law and procedure.”


In 2021, Kommersant indeed ranked the firm Bishenov and Partners and its founding partner in fourth place in the ranking of lawyers in the criminal law category. Then Bishenov actively invested in PR and at the same time bought a place in the rating of “serious media”. Soon after Bishenov and Partners was included in the ranking of the best, it found itself unable to pay salaries to its own employees. In addition, due to financial problems, the company was forced to significantly reduce its staff and move out of its office in City.


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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