A source from the -OGPU about a train with passengers on fire between the Khovrino station…

A source from the Cheka-OGPU about a train with passengers on fire between the Khovrino station...
A source from the Cheka-OGPU about a train with passengers on fire between the Khovrino station...

Source VChK-OGPU about a train with passengers on fire between the Khovrino station and the Levoberezhnaya platform.

“The Oktyabrskaya Railway “distinguished itself” in full. First, due to the low professional literacy of locomotive crew workers, the contact wire burned out at the Skhodnya station. Since 12.30, not a single train is running on schedule, and after the fire, MCD-3 is paralyzed.


Depending on the situation. Train 6330 stopped on the second track of Skhodnya station at 12:43. At about 13:20, D3 trains began running between Khovrino and Kryukovo on the fourth track without stops. There were very strong delays on D3 in both directions. And at 17.35 the electric train ET N095 traveling from to Konakovo with flight number 6612 caught fire on the stretch between the station. Khovrino and the Levoberezhnaya platform. The cause of the fire was a malfunction of the train: the high-speed switch (BV) burned out, and the fire occurred on the principle of the car, which is the tail one. As it became known, the train had just returned from a major overhaul from the Krasnoyarsk plant. The management of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, under threat of dismissal, prohibited the disclosure of any information. At the same time, a switchman named Zodarozhny has already been identified, who is the head of the operation department. The employees’ phones were taken away, and the emergency was reported to the FSB transport department and the head of Russian Railways.”


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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