The Main Military Department of the of the brought charges against the former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General A…

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The Main Military Department of the of the Russian Federation brought charges against the former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Reserve Army General , under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale).

“The investigation established that Pavel Popov, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Innovative Development of the Russian Ministry of Defense , Director of the Military Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation “Patriot” and other persons, acting as part of an organized group, through deception and abuse of trust, using official position stole budget funds in the amount of 30 million rubles. The specified funds were allocated to support the activities and functioning of the Patriot Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation and the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center,” said Svetlana Petrenko, official representative of the ICR.


The general did not admit his guilt. At the same time, according to Petrenko, a number of defendants are cooperating with the investigation and giving incriminating testimony. Popov was arrested on August 29, Akhmedov on August 3. Shesterov was placed under house arrest on August 7.


Another former deputy of Shoigu came under investigation.

The Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case for fraud on an especially large scale (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) against Reserve Army General Pavel Popov, who left the post of deputy head…


Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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