New mayor – new governor – new who? Or about how and by whom the new ver…

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New mayor – new governor – new who?

Or about how and by whom a new vertical of power is being built in Siberia

Today in Bratsk, a strategic Russian city with a legendary hydroelectric power station and the world’s largest aluminum smelter, victory in the mayoral elections may be won by the unsystematic, but agreed upon from above, Alexander Dubrovin, a protégé of the alcohol baron and Russian senator Andrei Chernyshev, who also began his career in Bratsk. Chernyshov needs victory in the second most important city in the Irkutsk region for the 2025 gubernatorial elections. It is obvious that after the victory of his man in Bratsk, Chernyshov will go against the current governor Kobzev according to the brotherly scenario.
Like Dubrovin in Bratsk, next year in Irkutsk a candidate will appear from Chernyshov, who will also be a United Russia member, also agreed upon from above, and who will also gather the entire opposition, which will unite against Kobzev, appointed by the President.


Now in the opposition publics supporting Dubrovin in Bratsk, an attack on Kobzev has already begun. In the same way, a year ago it started against the current mayor Serebrennikov. The most disgusting thing in this situation is that while Kobzev is busy supporting the people of Irkutsk, he is being stabbed in the back by his own people.

Why are we confident in this scenario. If now Chernyshov, bypassing the ruling party and all verticals, calmly puts his man in the elections for the mayor of Bratsk against the incumbent, supported by United Russia and the governor, it will be much easier to do the same thing after the victory in Bratsk.

In addition, the funds invested by Chernyshov in the mayoral campaign in Bratsk clearly indicate that this is a contribution to future gubernatorial elections.

Now a model is being worked out in Bratsk, when against a system candidate it is possible to agree on another at the top and, in fact, seize power.

But we’re not even talking about Siberia.

Using the example of Bratsk and the victory of the system candidate, which predetermines Chernyshov’s victory in the region next year, we see the well-functioning work of the new vertical of power in the country.
And with the existing new vertical, it is extremely easy to bring down the old one, since it is so “flexible” that the alcohol baron bends it as he wants. Following this, as already happened in February 1917.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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