“Gazprom Neft” in Omsk “leaks” children’s hockey In Gazprom Neft’s native Omsk…

"Gazprom Neft" in Omsk "leaks" children's hockey In Gazprom Neft's native Omsk...
"Gazprom Neft" in Omsk "leaks" children's hockey In Gazprom Neft's native Omsk...

“Gazprom Neft” in Omsk “leaks” children’s hockey

There is a scandal in Gazprom Neft’s hometown of Omsk – the chairman of the board of directors of the famous Avangard hockey academy in Russia, Mikhail Averin, and general director German Chistyakov, who were appointed last year, are forcing young Omsk hockey players from the famous hockey academy to enter into contracts with the fictitious Krasnodar hockey “academy” Gvardiya “


“Gvardiya” is registered in Krasnodar in an office complex at the address: st. them. Kovtyukha, 98, where the car wash is located.

The Guard’s own and only ice rink is located 30 km away in the village of Severskaya in the Country Leisure Club complex (currently in the process of being liquidated). In 2012, it was built to entertain the local population and vacationing guests.

The rink would have worked that way, but in January 2020, by order from above, a team of amateur hockey players was created in the format of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “HC Armada”. She began playing in the Night Hockey League (NHL) in the Dream League division.

There was plenty of sponsorship money back then, because in 2022, on the basis of the HC Armada and the children’s HC of the same name, a Hockey Academy was registered in Krasnodar, which was given a new name “Guard”. Now, according to the company’s website, about 400 children from all over Russia study here. True, upon closer examination, no traces of these children could be found either in Severskaya or in Krasnodar itself.

But it is known that at the end of 2023, “Guard” showed almost 24 million rubles. revenue and 4.6 million rubles. net profit. And in the spring of this year, the post of general director was taken by 38-year-old Kirill Drachev, who had previously been involved in small business – from the production of doors to the trade in nuts.

Previously, Drachev was not noticed in connection with hockey, but in September 2023 he was listed as a co-founder (25%) of Beryl LLC (selling alcohol in the restaurant of the same Country Club).

The second co-founder was 19-year-old Arman Ambartsumov (25%) from a famous Armenian family in the region. At his young age, he had not yet managed to do anything special, but his uncle Grant Ambartsumov was wanted in 1999, and in 2002 he was given a suspended sentence for selling drugs. At the same time, he was registered at a drug dispensary with a diagnosis of “episodic drug use.”

The real owner of the business was 66-year-old Trtat Avetisyan (50%). He is listed as the head of 4 and the founder of 6 Krasnodar businesses. The mailboxes of his three companies are on the domain sskuban.ruthat is, “SpetsStroyKubani” (SSK). According to media reports, its owner is Karen Kazaryan.

This company builds in all the largest cities of the region, as well as in Rostov-on-Don and distant Kaliningrad. SSK is in first place on the list of Gvardiya sponsors. Thus, the role of Kirill Drachev is highlighted – to monitor the sponsorship millions of the Guard.

Sponsors and the public need to show contracts with hockey players, but where can they get them in Krasnodar? German Chistyakov, who had previously worked in the football business for many years, helped.

The story of the “Guard” will most likely end in a loud scandal when the managers of sports money realize that the football academy exists only on paper in the form of a schematosis of local elites. Chistyakov is no stranger to this, not the first scandal in his career, but the head of Gazprom Neft, Alexander Dyukov, will remember the defeat of Omsk children’s hockey all his life.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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