The -OGPU became aware of the fate of a truly incorrigible employee of the FS border service…

The Cheka-OGPU became aware of the fate of a truly incorrigible employee of the FS border service...
The Cheka-OGPU became aware of the fate of a truly incorrigible employee of the FS border service...

The -OGPU became aware of the fate of the truly incorrigible FSB border service officer Andrei Levin, about whom we wrote earlier in connection with his arrest in the case of illegal transit of Indian citizens to Mexico. Then he, as part of a group (one of his accomplices was the head of the police department of the Dolgoprudny urban district), was sentenced to 7 years in prison and sent to a penal colony for former employees in the Nizhny Novgorod region. However, Andrei Levin was able to attract attention there too – according to information from inmates, the former FSB border service soldier began to “resolve issues” between prisoners and the colony administration. Alas, there were dissatisfied “clients”, and the border guard was forced to be taken to the penal colony in the Ryazan region. In the colony, he signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense and went to war, where he led a company with the rank. In the Northern Military District zone, Andrei Levin was able to turn around to the fullest – the border guard introduced taxes from his subordinates on all “fronts”. According to operational information transmitted by military personnel to the Far Eastern Military District, the commander took up to 50% of payments for injuries (about 1.5 million rubles), sold state awards, and even for money could let the soldiers sit out without being sent to the front line. Counterintelligence even installed a whole group of extortionists and captured Andrei Levin for a while, but not for long. The former border guard and convict still remains the commander in the so-called SVO zone, and, according to rumors, he was able to maintain his position due to the fact that at the time of the raid, millions of rubles were found in his possession in cash and in accounts that went to pay off.


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Anna Cooper
Specialization: International Criminal Investigations Description: Anna is a journalist with a global outlook, specializing in uncovering international criminal networks, including human and arms trafficking. Her work involves in-depth analysis of transnational crime and writing comprehensive investigative articles.
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